Buongiorno a tutti!
Se vi capita anche a voi di fare della pasta frolla light e di averne in più (io di solito la faccio e poi la congelo in panetti) questa è una ricettina che delizia spesso a casa mia la pausa del té invernale e anche le feste...
Allora prima di cominciare con una necessaria purificazione post-feste per prepararci a sbocciare in primavera, non potevo non farvela provare.
In questa ricetta che vi lascio qui avrete una versione light dello strudel, la mia, un po' meno tradizionale forse ma che sarà leggermente più croccante, non avrà burro ne uova quindi va bene anche per vegani o vegetariani e, ha quel tocco in più dato dalla marmellata di albicocche!
Ingredienti per lo Strudel di pasta frolla light con marmellata di albicocche, noci e mele 1 strudel medio - click on the image below
Oppure se utilizzate le paste frolle già pronte, direttamente dal fornaio o dal supermercato, cercatene una povera di grassi o con quelli vegetali (attenzione agli idrogenati!) perchè per questo ripieno abbastanza saporito è meglio che sia una pasta leggera.
Bon appetit!
English version Strudel with light short pastry, apricot jam, walnuts and apples. Hello everybody! If you are looking for a light way to prepare Strudel (and if you know what it is!!) here it comes my recipe... I usually prepare a kind of short pastry more light than the classical type and often I keep some of it in the freezer. It is a great cake right for a tea break during long winter afternoons and before starting with diets after a X'mas holyday full-of-food-period I could not miss to give you this wonderful recipe!
So here it is my way to prepare the dough for Strudel, light and crispy, less traditional, with no eggs and butter added, as vegan and vegetarian people love and with extra apricot jam. Oh..we have a lot of apricot jam in my family house because of the summer harvest that fortunately every year it's great...but I dont' actually love this jam, so sweet and every time I have to find a way to use it for cake or biscuits. This strudel with apples and walnuts it's one of the option!
Recipe for light short pastry and Strudel with apricot jam Light short pastry
100gr of all purpose flour
50gr of durum wheat flour
40gr of brown sugar
50gr of warm water
60gr of Organic Extra Olive Oil
1 pinch of salt
1 pinch of organic orange peel
2 Medium apples
2 Tbs of walnuts
2 Tbs of raisin
2 Tbs of pine nut
150/180 gr of Apricot Jam
1 Teaspoon of sugar
a knob of butter
1. Mix together the two type of flour with salt, sugar, oil and orange peel. Add warm water. Exact amounts can never be specified because the amount of water that flour absorbs varies. Start with about 1 tablespoon and don't use too much!! All pastry must be rested in the fridge for 1 hour before rolling out – flour contains something called gluten which reacts with water in a way which, given time, makes the dough more elastic in texture.
2. Cut the apples in small slices and in a pan with butter (or oil) and a small spoon of sugar cook them with raisin, walnuts and pine nuts for 8/10minutes.
3. Take out the dough and pre heat the owen at 200°. Place the dough on baking paper and cover with another sheet of baking paper and and begin to roll. Roll it until thin (1cm) and cover the internal surface with apricot jam and than add the filling. Roll the Strudel lenghtwise and close very well the edges.
4. Cook in the oven for 40 minute at 200°. When cold sprinkle with icing sugar (confectioners' sugar).