Il conducente ha dovuto aspettare cinque minuti buoni che il pachiderma, con comodo, finisse di mangiare. Ma non è tutto. "Era la seconda volta - ha aggiunto il portavoce - che il pullman della Nazionale Usa veniva bloccato oggi da un elefante sulla strada". Gli Stati Uniti, nel gruppo C, giocano la loro prima partita stasera contro l'Inghilterra.
Training of the U.S. squad for the World Cup was delayed today. Why? Because of elephants. A U.S. spokesman said the bus carrying team from hotel in Rustenburg in training camp found the road blocked by an elephant busy eating, drawing with its trunk from a tree.
The driver had to wait five minutes the elephant, with comfortable, had finished eating. But not all. "It was the second time - the spokesman said - the coach of the U.S. National was blocked today by an elephant on the road". United States, in Group C, will play their first game tonight against England