Food is important for the players and the Italian players are careful what they eat, but sometimes allow themselves some luxury. In the morning, bread and Nutella , as we all know by now a famous TV commercial. And last night a little "intemperance" pizza and beer. Except for some concessions, then back to regular feeding of the athlete. A little 'sacrifices are a must, as is the posting requirement, during the withdrawal, from wives and girlfriends. But Sunday afternoon, after the two friendly matches to be held in the morning with local teams, one at 11.00, another at 12.00, the "Azzurri" will have twenty-four hours freedom. Can not leave the area as not to lose the habit to its higher, so many hotels are booked on the spot where they will be joined by wives and girlfriends for a day at home. At the Sestriere, among many, the girlfriend of Riccardo Montolivo, Cristina De Pin and the wife of Alberto Gilardino, Alice Bregoli.
Sudafrica 2010, italia: nutella, pizza, birra e domenica arrivano le mogli - south africa 2010, italy: nutella, pizza, beer and player's wives
Creato il 28 maggio 2010 da RollingballsFood is important for the players and the Italian players are careful what they eat, but sometimes allow themselves some luxury. In the morning, bread and Nutella , as we all know by now a famous TV commercial. And last night a little "intemperance" pizza and beer. Except for some concessions, then back to regular feeding of the athlete. A little 'sacrifices are a must, as is the posting requirement, during the withdrawal, from wives and girlfriends. But Sunday afternoon, after the two friendly matches to be held in the morning with local teams, one at 11.00, another at 12.00, the "Azzurri" will have twenty-four hours freedom. Can not leave the area as not to lose the habit to its higher, so many hotels are booked on the spot where they will be joined by wives and girlfriends for a day at home. At the Sestriere, among many, the girlfriend of Riccardo Montolivo, Cristina De Pin and the wife of Alberto Gilardino, Alice Bregoli.
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