If one of the best if not the best interpreter of goalkeeper complained for Jabulani, the ball of Adidas chosen for World Cup, then something is wrong there for sure. The ball was over already under fire in recent days by several goalies who complained to the unpredictable traiettoie were designed when the ball was thrown with force area or from afar and even Capello's England had begun to conduct training specific to better management control of the ball. Today at the end of the training session of Brazil Julio Cesar wanted to lay it on thick: "The ball is horrible. It seems one of those you buy at the supermarket" - was the comment of a number interistache leaves no room for misunderstanding. Surely it is too late to change the ball and go back, but next time will be better to test first and maybe ask some of the materials involved a direct opinion on, because you want to increase the show goes well (which does not mean more goals though), but risk of exposing a bad impression of professionals is likely to backfire for FIFA and Adidas
Sudafrica 2010, julio cesar critica il pallone dei mondiali - south africa 2010, julio cesar criticizes world cup's ball
Creato il 28 maggio 2010 da RollingballsIf one of the best if not the best interpreter of goalkeeper complained for Jabulani, the ball of Adidas chosen for World Cup, then something is wrong there for sure. The ball was over already under fire in recent days by several goalies who complained to the unpredictable traiettoie were designed when the ball was thrown with force area or from afar and even Capello's England had begun to conduct training specific to better management control of the ball. Today at the end of the training session of Brazil Julio Cesar wanted to lay it on thick: "The ball is horrible. It seems one of those you buy at the supermarket" - was the comment of a number interistache leaves no room for misunderstanding. Surely it is too late to change the ball and go back, but next time will be better to test first and maybe ask some of the materials involved a direct opinion on, because you want to increase the show goes well (which does not mean more goals though), but risk of exposing a bad impression of professionals is likely to backfire for FIFA and Adidas
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