![Sweet of the weekend: chocolate muffins Sweet of the weekend: chocolate muffins](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/253/2532818/sweet-of-the-weekend-chocolate-muffins-L-PBDIwh.png)
Eccoci di nuovo con l'appuntamento di Sweet of the weekend, la rubrica del mio personale food styling! ;)
Oggi durante la mia pausa pranzo ho preparato dei muffin al cioccolato: adoro i muffin, e soprattutto sono velocissimi da fare! :)
Here we are again with the appointment of Sweet of the weekend, the column of my personal food styling! ;)
Today during my lunch break I prepared some chocolate muffins: I love muffins, and above all they are very fast to do! :)
![Sweet of the weekend: chocolate muffins Sweet of the weekend: chocolate muffins](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/253/2532818/sweet-of-the-weekend-chocolate-muffins-L-q5e0sW.png)
Poi mi sono divertita a creare qualcosa di carino per presentarli, e naturalmente per me la carta è sempre protagonista anche in cucina!
Then I enjoyed creating something nice to present them, and of course for me the paper has always the protagonist also in the kitchen!
![Sweet of the weekend: chocolate muffins Sweet of the weekend: chocolate muffins](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/253/2532818/sweet-of-the-weekend-chocolate-muffins-L-58JuUx.png)
I colori, i fiori, le piccole cose... Mi fanno stare bene...! Forse lo avete capito? ;)
The colors, the flowers, the little things ... They make me feel good... ! Maybe you have understand it? ;)
![Sweet of the weekend: chocolate muffins Sweet of the weekend: chocolate muffins](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/253/2532818/sweet-of-the-weekend-chocolate-muffins-L-YSuWFs.png)
Con questo post ho finito tutto quello che era previsto da fare oggi... Vi ringrazio per i bei commenti sul post di ieri sul tempo che dedichiamo alla cura della nostra vita e di quello che facciamo.
Che il weekend abbia inizio!!! ^^
Vi abbraccio!
With this post I finished everything I had planned to do today... Thank you for the nice comments on yesterday's post on the time we devote to the care of our lives and what we do.
Let the weekend begin !!! ^^
I hug you!