I tould you I've rencently seen an exposition on Tamara de Lempicka, painter of genious and modern (I suggest you to see it if in Rome), that immortalized the roaring twenties in a fantastic way. Thinking to her I understood somethink the fashionistas will like a lot: Tamara may be the secret inspiration of the funny and chubby Alber Elbaz of Lanvin.
La pittrice, nel suo lavoro, risente dell' influenza di Botticelli: colori fluo, forme tondeggianti... Lei, però, squadra un po' il tutto e lo porta a un contesto più moderno e dinamico, cambiando, naturalmente, anche le tematiche.
Ecco quindi belle donne (anche floride come lo stilista di Lanvin!) in abiti colorati e drappeggiati. Proprio colore e drappeggio che ricordano incredibilmente la tavolozza e lo stile firmato Elbaz, che arricchisce con qualche pezzo rock decisamente innovativo, come faceva Tamara al tempo suo.
The paintress has, on her work, the influence of Botticelli, with sinuous shapes and "happy" colours, but she manages to actualize the style and square the shapes (they're sinuous and squared togheter, curves and straight lines. I hope you understood it, 'cause it's quite difficult to explain... however it's great!).
The result is composed by beautiful women (also blooming like the stylist), in coloured and draped dresses. Color and drape are exactely those of Elbaz's palette and style, that he enrichs with some rock and innovative piece, exactely as Tamara did at her time.
La somiglianza mi ha incuriosito: arte e moda sono a stretto contatto (basti pensare al vestito Mondrian di YSL, e l' ultima Haute Couture di Givenchy!), e spesso può succedere che il nostro gusto ci porti ad ammirare in entrambi i campi cose simili, senza casomai neanche renderci conto.
The similarity made me think about it: art and fashion are very near from a lot (just think to Mondrian dress by YSL and the last Givenchy haute couture collection!), and it may often happen that our taste makes us like similar things in both fields without either we get aware of this.