Magazine Collezionismo
The Hobbit Deluxe Edition di J.R.R. Tolkien Houghton Mifflin Company (Collectors Edition) Boston, 1997, pp. 318 Illustrazioni di J.R.R. Tolkien Cartonato con cofanetto
"If you care for journeys there and back, out of the comfortable Western world, over the edge of the Wild, and home again, and can take an interest in a humble hero (blessed with a little wisdom and a little courage and considerable good luck), here is a record of such a journey and such a traveler. The period is the ancient time between the age of Faerie and the dominion of men, when the famous forest of Mirkwood was still standing, and the mountains were full of danger. In following the path of this humble adventurer, you will learn by the way (as he did) -- if you do not already know all about these things -- much about trolls, goblins, dwarves, and elves, and get some glimpses into the history and politics of a neglected but important period. For Mr. Bilbo Baggins visited various notable persons; conversed with the dragon, Smaug the Magnificent; and was present, rather unwillingly, at the Battle of the Five Armies. This is all the more remarkable, since he was a hobbit. Hobbits have hitherto been passed over in history and legend, perhaps because they as a rule preferred comfort to excitement. But this account, based on his personal memoirs, of the one exciting year in the otherwise quiet life of Mr. Baggins will give you a fair idea of the estimable people now (it is said) becoming rather rare. They do not like noise."
Il libro presenta delle rifiniture color oro giallo e rosso. Dello stesso colore il titolo e le rune presenti sul dorso e sul fronte di copertina.
Come le edizioni deluxe dell'Harper Collins presenta, sui tre bordi scoperti delle pagine, una macchiatura verde
Il volume presenta il testo di colore nero con i riferimenti di colore verde chiaro. Sono presenti le due Mappe, all'inizio e alla fine del testo, di colorazione verde
Il testo comprende 5 illustrazioni di Tolkien in grande formato e altre più piccole con tonalità sul verde.
Questa l'immagine che compare sul cofanetto
E questa l'immagine presente sul libro
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