La particolarità di queste sneakers è la zeppa al loro interno, alta circa 6 cm. Una trovata geniale per tutte le fashioniste che non vogliono rinunciare al "tacco" anche quando indossano scarpe comode.
Hi guys and have a great saturday ;) I'm sure you've already understood which is today topic. They're are the most famous shoes of the season, a lot of people love them and a lot of people don't. Many celebrities and fashion bloggers wear them in their daily life and Beyoncé chose them for her music video "Love on top". Today TLA is dedicated to Isabel Marant wedge sneakers.
These shoes are particular because of a wedge inside, tall around 6 cm. This is a great idea for those who want walking on high heels along streets, even when they wear comfortable sneakers.

Dal momento che ho ricevuto diverse e-mail da parte vostra, in cui mi chiedevate disperate dove poterle trovare (sono sold out ovunque!), ho pensato che poteva essere un'idea carina proporvi delle valide alternative, decisamente più economiche, visto che le Isabel Marant, modello Willow Basket, vengono circa $ 660.
Since many of you wrote me e-mails asking "Where can find them? Can you help me?", because these sneakers are sold out everywhere, I thought it was a nice idea show you some low cost alternatives, since Isabel Marant Willow Basket costs $ 660, more or less.

2. Marc by Marc Jacobs Kisha colorblock sneakers: $ 320
3. Blink wedge sneakers: $ 70-80
4. Lemaré wedge sneakers (other colours available): € 195
5. Ishikawa Solesan wedge sneakers (other colours available): $ 250
6. Steve Madden Hilight wedge sneakers (othe colours available): $ 149
Qual è il vostro modello preferito? Ne avete trovati altri simili ad un prezzo economico? Fatemi sapere, se vi va, lasciandomi un commento :)
Which one is your favourite? Did you find other similar models? Let me know by leaving me a comment, if you want :)