Philip Douglas ‘”Phil” Taylor (born 13 August 1960) is an English professional darts player, nicknamed The Power. He is widely regarded as the best darts player of all time. He has won 209 professional tournaments which include an unprecedented 83 major titles and a record 16 World Championships. He won eight consecutive World Championships from 1995 to 2002 and reached 14 consecutive finals from 1994 to 2007 (both records). No darts player has a winning record in matches against him.
He has won the PDC Player of the Year award six times (2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012) and has twice been nominated for the BBC Sports Personality of the Year, in 2006 and 2010, finishing as runner-up in the latter. He was the first, and to date, the only person to hit two nine-dart finishes in one match, in the 2010 Premier League Darts final against James Wade. (da Wiki)
Mentre la scuola italiana aprirà anche il 2015 con lezioni di ginnastica fondate sulla pallavolo (l’ossimoro lezioni-pallavolo è indegno di un paese civile, ma il popolo bue si preoccupa di vaccate tipo un premier che va in vacanza con un volo di stato, protocolli, che altro), là dove la civiltà si respira sin dalla culla si pratica una disciplina sportiva enormemente istruttiva, che se avessimo un governo serio la si imporrebbe da subito come obbligatoria dalle elementari all’università. In quell’ambito spadroneggia il nostro idolo assoluto, The Power. Questa sera va per il 17esimo mondiale (!!!) in finale contro lo scozzese Gary Anderson, capace dell’impresa in semifinale sull’olandese Michael Van Gerwen. Go Phil!