Ai classici modelli più sporty si aggiungono modelli più eleganti, di seta, stampati, arricchiti di pizzi e perline.
Sexy, femminili e sempre più corti, per slanciare le gambe che ahimè devono essere perfette.. Adatti da mattina a sera con un semplice cambio di accessori.
Si prestano a diventare protagonisti dell'estate.. E voi, che ne pensate..?
Sportswear has never been so glamorous and trendy, after the boom of basketball vests now is the time of the runner shorts.
In addiction to classical models, now we have new elegant and cool models, printed, in silk or embellished with lace and beads.
Sexy, feminine and always shorter for slender legs which unfortunately have to be perfect .. Suitable from morning to night with a simple change of accessories.
Lend themselves to become protagonists of the summer .. And you, what do you think ..?