![[Tri Polish Challenge] October#4 Frankie goes to... neon! [Tri Polish Challenge] October#4 Frankie goes to... neon!](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/203/2035483/tri-polish-challenge-october4-frankie-goes-to-L-Y7YpKZ.jpeg)
Buongiorno a tutti! Eccoci all'ultimo appuntamento del TPC per questo mese. Lo so, lo so, i colori di questo Ottobre erano molto in stile halloween, ma non ho realizzato nessuna manicure a tema... tranne oggi. Ladies and gentlemen, ecco a voi Frankie goes to... neon!(Join the neon side. We have cookies)
Hello pals! Here we are, this is the last round of the TPC for this October. I know, I know, the colors of this month are very halloween style , but I have not made any manicure themed ... except today. Ladies and gentlemen, here comes Frankie goes to ... neon!(Join the neon side. We have cookies)
Per realizzare questa nail art ho seguito il tutorial di The Nailasaurus - che potete trovare qui. Ovvio, lei è una supermegamaestra ed io una pippona cosmica (voglio vedere come lo tradurrò, questo, in inglese), ma me la sono cava. Sì, lo so che chi si loda s'imbroda. Ho messo un bavaglino da neonati formato Gargantua. Problemi?
To do this manicure I followed the tutorial of The Nailasaurus - as you can find it here. Obviously, she masterize this technique and I am a super lamer, but I must admit that this one is not so bad. I, know, I know: Let someone else praise you, and not your own mouth; an outsider, and not your own lips. (Proverbs 27:2) But for this time I'm so proud of me, so please, please, please, have just a little patience with me, as Guns'n'Roses says.
![[Tri Polish Challenge] October#4 Frankie goes to... neon! [Tri Polish Challenge] October#4 Frankie goes to... neon!](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/203/2035483/tri-polish-challenge-october4-frankie-goes-to-L-Gsdt0p.jpeg)
![[Tri Polish Challenge] October#4 Frankie goes to... neon! [Tri Polish Challenge] October#4 Frankie goes to... neon!](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/203/2035483/tri-polish-challenge-october4-frankie-goes-to-L-LKR8Tx.jpeg)
![[Tri Polish Challenge] October#4 Frankie goes to... neon! [Tri Polish Challenge] October#4 Frankie goes to... neon!](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/203/2035483/tri-polish-challenge-october4-frankie-goes-to-L-poU0ph.jpeg)
![[Tri Polish Challenge] October#4 Frankie goes to... neon! [Tri Polish Challenge] October#4 Frankie goes to... neon!](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/203/2035483/tri-polish-challenge-october4-frankie-goes-to-L-uIrDp5.jpeg)
![[Tri Polish Challenge] October#4 Frankie goes to... neon! [Tri Polish Challenge] October#4 Frankie goes to... neon!](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/203/2035483/tri-polish-challenge-october4-frankie-goes-to-L-urckyJ.jpeg)
![[Tri Polish Challenge] October#4 Frankie goes to... neon! [Tri Polish Challenge] October#4 Frankie goes to... neon!](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/203/2035483/tri-polish-challenge-october4-frankie-goes-to-L-lKKJGT.jpeg)
Non sono un'amante del romanzo Frankenstein, di Mary Shelley. Io adoro i vampiri (e dopo Twilight... mamma mia...) e i fantasmi, e voi ce lo vedete un vampiro oppure un fantasma con questi colori?!
(Perché Frankenstein sì, invece, dirà qualcuno. Sorvolate, che é meglio. E un po' di colore non si nega a nessuno, giusto? Giusto.)
Per questo Halloween ho scelto due mostri molto classici, ma che non rientrano affatto nelle mie corde. Anzi. Ma come si dice, è bello ogni tanto cmabiare, giusto?
E voi, come festeggerete Halloween? Lo festeggerete? Non lo festeggerete? Mangerete zucca e dolciumi (io sono a dieta, sigh!!!)? Lasciatemelo scritto nei commenti qui sotto. A tal proposito: in questi giorni sarò a Lucca, per il Lucca Comics and Games, lontana da un pc e da una connessione (lo voglia il cielo!), per cui non potrò rispondere subito ai vostri commenti. Ci risentiamo il 4 Novembre, ci conto!
E mi raccomando, date uno sguardo alle scelte delle mie compagne d'avventura. Trovate i link qui sotto.
I don't like Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. I don't like the Creature. My favorite monsters are vampires (and after Twilight is a very hard non-life for them) and ghosts. It's possible there's a vampire - or even a GHOST - dressing in orange, yellow and green? Nope. Ok, also Frankenstein is not a typical neon creature, but this is the brightest side of life... of non-life, sorry.
Do you enjoy Halloween time? Do you like having fun, wearing costumes, eating pumpkin pie (de-li-ci-ous), or maybe not? Let me know in the comment form! I'll go to Lucca for the annual Lucca Comics and Games, so I can't answer you immediately, but don't worry, I'll be back monday, November 4th.
Would you please remind to give a glance at my collegue's choices, please? We'll see as soon as possible!
Acque pacate e dolci risate finché non ci rincontreremo
Calm water and gently laughter till next we meet
![[Tri Polish Challenge] October#4 Frankie goes to... neon! [Tri Polish Challenge] October#4 Frankie goes to... neon!](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/203/2035483/tri-polish-challenge-october4-frankie-goes-to-L-iR2dJ1.png)
![[Tri Polish Challenge] October#4 Frankie goes to... neon! [Tri Polish Challenge] October#4 Frankie goes to... neon!](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/203/2035483/tri-polish-challenge-october4-frankie-goes-to-L-ubUB83.jpeg)