Magazine Cultura

Tribes - We Were Children - Video Testo Traduzione

Creato il 23 gennaio 2012 da Lesto82

musica,video,testi,traduzioni,tribes,video tribes,testi tribes,traduzioni tribes,artisti emergenti

E' un rock senza troppi fronzoli quello dei Tribes,la band londinese che ha appena dato alle stampe il disco d'esordio "Baby" dopo Ep e vari singoli.C'è pure una vena malinconica che in parte possiamo ascoltare nel singolo "We Were Children",in cui dimostrano che ogni tanto lasciare la sperimentazione non è un male se si è bravi nel tessere melodie di sicuro impatto.



It was a day like today,
a sunday afternoon when they took you away
down to Hades in a shopping trolley
with a magazine and a suitcase
They stole your clothes
i took your watch
i couldnt look you in the eye
why its always those who you love the most you criticise.
Oh no stranger your just like me,
these things happen we were children in the mid 90's
Oh no stranger your just like me,
we get older they get younger it was you or me.
I stood throwing ice cream in your hair how i solemly swear
its the thing in life i regret the most... leaving you standing there
And if you asked me id put my eyes out
and when i woke up blind
if you forgave i would sleep at night
knowing i'd led a good life.
Oh no stranger your just like me,
these things happen we were children in the mid 90's
Oh no stranger your just like me,
we get older they get younger it was you or me.


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