Magazine Tecnologia

Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat: Software Packages presenti nella categoria Aplicazioni Matematiche, prima parte.

Creato il 25 aprile 2011 da Hugor @msdiaz61
Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat: Software Packages presenti nella categoria Aplicazioni Matematiche, prima parte.Tutto il software presente nella prossima versione di Ubuntu 10.10 Karmic Koala relativo alla Categoria Applicazioni Matematiche.
Come al solito una recensione, sceheda tecnica e istruzioni per il download di ogni programma.
Dai più conosciuti come Acl2, Alt Ergo, Axiom e Cantor (senza tralasciare il popolare Gnumeric) ad altri semplici tools come Cogides, Eukleide e  Grinvin
In ordine alfabetico da acl2 a gsl.
acl2 (4.0-3) [universe]
A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: main binary
acl2-books (4.0-3) [universe]
A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: compiled libraries
acl2-books-certs (4.0-3) [universe]
A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: library certificates
acl2-books-source (4.0-3) [universe]
A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: library sources
acl2-emacs (4.0-3) [universe]
A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: emacs interface
acl2-infix (4.0-3) [universe]
A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: infix interface
acl2-infix-source (4.0-3) [universe]
A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: infix source
acl2-source (4.0-3) [universe]
A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: source files
admesh (0.95-7ubuntu1) [universe]
a tool for processing triangulated solid meshes
alt-ergo (0.91-2) [universe]
Automatic theorem prover dedicated to program verification
ann-tools (1.1.1+doc-2.2) [universe]
Approximate Nearest Neighbor Searching library (tools)
apcalc ( [universe]
Arbitrary precision calculator (original name: calc)
apcalc-common ( [universe]
Arbitrary precision calculator (common files)
aribas (1.64-3) [universe]
interpreter for arithmetic
autoclass (3.3.6-1) [universe]
automatic classification or clustering
axiom (20100501-1) [universe]
A general purpose computer algebra system: main binary and modules
axiom-databases (20100501-1) [universe]
A general purpose computer algebra system: generated text databases
axiom-graphics (20100501-1) [universe]
A general purpose computer algebra system: graphics subsystem
axiom-graphics-data (20100501-1) [universe]
A general purpose computer algebra system: graphics subsystem
axiom-hypertex (20100501-1) [universe]
A general purpose computer algebra system: hypertex subsystem
axiom-hypertex-data (20100501-1) [universe]
A general purpose computer algebra system: hypertex subsystem
axiom-source (20100501-1) [universe]
A general purpose computer algebra system: source files
axiom-test (20100501-1) [universe]
A general purpose computer algebra system: regression test inputs
axiom-tex (20100501-1) [universe]
A general purpose computer algebra system: style file for TeX
bc (1.06.95-2)
The GNU bc arbitrary precision calculator language
blacs-mpi-test (1.1-28.2build1) [universe]
Basic Linear Algebra Comm. Subprograms - Test files for MPI
blacs-test-common (1.1-28.2build1) [universe]
Test data for BLACS testers
bugsx (1.08-12) [multiverse]
program to evolve biomorphs using genetic algorithms
cadabra (1.25-1) [universe]
field-theory motivated computer algebra system
cantor (4:4.5.1-0ubuntu2)
interface for mathematical applications
cantor-backend-kalgebra (4:4.5.1-0ubuntu2)
KAlgebra backend for Cantor
cantor-backend-maxima (4:4.5.1-0ubuntu2) [universe]
Maxima backend for Cantor
cantor-backend-sage (4:4.5.1-0ubuntu2) [universe]
Sage backend for Cantor
carmetal ( [universe]
dynamic geometry software with highly ergonomic UI
cimg-dev (1.3.3-1) [universe]
powerful image processing library
circlepack (5.1-7) [universe]
creation and display of circle packings
concalc (0.9.2-1) [universe]
console calculator
coq (8.2.pl2+dfsg-1ubuntu1) [universe]
proof assistant for higher-order logic (toplevel and compiler)
coq-theories (8.2.pl2+dfsg-1ubuntu1) [universe]
proof assistant for higher-order logic (theories)
coqide (8.2.pl2+dfsg-1ubuntu1) [universe]
proof assistant for higher-order logic (gtk interface)
cpushare (0.48-4) [universe]
client and server for the CPUShare distributed computing platform
cvc3 (2.2-13) [universe]
An automatic theorem prover for SMT problems
cvc3-el (2.2-13) [universe]
Emacs mode for CVC3
dc (1.06.95-2)
The GNU dc arbitrary precision reverse-polish calculator
dicelab (0.7-1) [universe]
evaluate the statistical distribution of dice rolls
dolfin-bin (0.9.8-3build1) [universe]
Executable scripts for DOLFIN
drgeo (1.1.0-6) [universe]
An interactive geometry software
dynare (4.1.1-2) [universe]
suite for non-linear models with forward looking variables
dynare-common (4.1.1-2) [universe]
platform independent files for Dynare
dynare-matlab (4.1.1-2) [multiverse]
MEX files for MATLAB users of Dynare (1.1.1a-7build2) [universe]
Scientific calculator for GNUstep
ess (5.10-1) [universe]
Emacs mode for statistical programming and data analysis
eukleides (1.5.3-1) [universe]
Euclidean geometry drawing language
euler (1.61.0-8) [universe]
interactive mathematical programming environment
euler-doc (1.61.0-8) [universe]
documentation for the mathematical programming environment Euler
evolver (2.30c-1) [universe]
Surface Evolver
extcalc (0.9.2-1) [universe]
multifunctional scientific graphic calculator
fenics (10.06-2) [universe]
automation of computational mathematical modeling
formed (3.3f-1) [universe]
formula editor for first-order logic formulae
frama-c (20100401+boron+dfsg-4) [universe]
Framework for source code analysis of software written in C
freefem (3.5.8-4.2) [universe]
A PDE oriented language using Finite Element Method
freefem-examples (3.5.8-4.2) [universe]
Example files for FreeFEM
freefem3d (1.0pre10-2.1) [universe]
A language and solver for partial differential equations in 3D
freemat (4.0-3) [universe]
mathematics framework (mostly matlab compatible)
freemat-data (4.0-3) [universe]
freemat data files
freemat-help (4.0-3) [universe]
freemat help files
galculator (1.3.4-1ubuntu2) [universe]
A GTK+ 2.0 based calculator
galculator-hildon (1.3.4-1ubuntu2) [universe]
A GTK+ 2.0 based calculator for Hildon-based systems
gambit (0.2006.01.20-3) [universe]
Game theory analysis software and tools
gambit-doc (0.97.0-1) [universe]
documentation for gambit
gap (4r4p12-1) [universe]
Groups, Algorithms and Programming computer algebra system
gap-character-tables (1r1p3-5) [universe]
GAP Library of character tables
gap-core (4r4p12-1) [universe]
GAP computer algebra system, core components
gap-guava (3.6-2) [universe]
Coding theory library for GAP
gap-libs (4r4p12-1) [universe]
GAP computer algebra system, essential GAP libraries
gap-online-help (4r4p12-1) [universe]
GAP computer algebra system, online help
gap-prim-groups (4r4p10-1) [universe]
Database of primitive groups for GAP
gap-small-groups (4r4p10-1) [universe]
Database of small groups for GAP
gap-small-groups-extra (4r4p10-1) [universe]
Large database of small groups for GAP
gap-table-of-marks (1r1p4-1) [universe]
GAP table of marks library
gap-trans-groups (4r4p10-1) [universe]
Database of transitive groups for GAP
gbase (0.5-2.2) [universe]
small numeric base converter
gcalctool (5.32.0-0ubuntu1)
GNOME desktop calculator
genus2reduction (0.3-2) [universe]
Conductor and Reduction Types for Genus 2 Curves
geomview (1.9.4-2) [universe]
interactive geometry viewing program
gerris (20091109-dfsg.1-2) [universe]
Gerris Flow Solver
gfan (0.3dfsg-1) [universe]
Program for computing with Groebner fans
gfm (1.03-2build1) [universe]
Texas Instruments hand-helds file manipulation program for X
ggobi (2.1.9~20091212-3) [universe]
Data visualization system for high-dimensional data
ginac-tools (1.5.8-1) [universe]
Some tools for the GiNaC symbolic framework
gliese (3.0.95-2) [multiverse]
stellar data set from the Third Catalogue of Nearby Stars
glpk (4.43-1) [universe]
linear programming kit
glpk-utils (4.43-1) [universe]
linear programming kit - utility files
gmp-ecm (6.2-1) [universe]
Factor integers using the Elliptic Curve Method
gmsh (2.4.2.dfsg-3) [universe]
three-dimensional finite element mesh generator
gnumeric (1.10.8-1ubuntu1) [universe]
spreadsheet application for GNOME - main program
gnumeric-common (1.10.8-1ubuntu1) [universe]
spreadsheet application for GNOME - common files
gnumeric-plugins-extra (1.10.8-1ubuntu1) [universe]
spreadsheet application for GNOME - additional plugins
gnuplot (4.4.0-1) [universe]
A command-line driven interactive plotting program
gnuplot-mode (1:0.6.0-5) [universe]
Yet another Gnuplot mode for Emacs
gnuplot-nox (4.4.0-1) [universe]
A command-line driven interactive plotting program
gnuplot-x11 (4.4.0-1) [universe]
A command-line driven interactive plotting program
grace (1:5.1.22-8build1) [universe]
An XY plotting tool
graphmonkey (1.7-2) [universe]
a GTK#-based graphing calculator
graphthing (1.3.2-3) [universe]
tool to create, manipulate and study graphs
gretl (1.9.0-1build1) [universe]
The GNU Regression, Econometric & Time-Series Library
gretl-common (1.9.0-1build1) [universe]
The GNU Regression, Econometric & Time-Series Library -- scripts package
gretl-data (1.9.0-1build1) [universe]
The GNU Regression, Econometric & Time-Series Library -- data package
gretl-doc (1.9.0-1build1) [universe]
The GNU Regression, Econometric & Time-Series Library -- doc package
grinvin (1.2-1) [multiverse]
interactive software for studying graphs and their invariants
grpn (1.1.2-3) [universe]
GTK+ reverse polish notation calculator
gsl-bin (1.14+dfsg-1) [universe]
GNU Scientific Library (GSL) -- binary package
gsl-ref-html (1.14-1) [universe]
GNU Scientific Library (GSL) Reference Manual in html
gsl-ref-psdoc (1.14-1) [universe]
GNU Scientific Library (GSL) Reference Manual in postscript

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