Magazine Tecnologia

Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat: Software Packages presenti nella categoria Aplicazioni Matematiche, terza parte.

Creato il 25 aprile 2011 da Hugor @msdiaz61
Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat: Software Packages presenti nella categoria Aplicazioni Matematiche, terza parte.Tutto il software presente nella prossima versione di Ubuntu 10.10 Karmic Koala relativo alla Categoria Applicazioni Matematiche.
Come al solito una recensione, sceheda tecnica e istruzioni per il download di ogni programma.
Dai più conosciuti come Python e R-Cran ad altri semplici tools come Pcx, Plotdrop e Tetgen.
In ordine alfabetico da Palp a Yorick-Z.

palp (1.1-1) [universe]
A Package for Analyzing Lattice Polytopes
pari-extra (2.1-1) [universe]
PARI/GP Computer Algebra System extra data files
pari-gp (2.3.5-1) [universe]
PARI/GP Computer Algebra System binaries
pari-gp2c (0.0.5pl9-1) [universe]
PARI/GP GP to C compiler
parmetis-test (3.1.1-1) [multiverse]
Parallel Graph Partitioning and Sparse Matrix Ordering Tests
pcx (1.1.18-2) [multiverse]
primal-dual interior-point code for linear programming
pdl (1:2.4.6+dfsg-2ubuntu1) [universe]
perl data language: Perl extensions for numerics
pgapack (1.1.1-1) [universe]
A general-purpose genetic algorithm package
pgplot5 (5.2.2-17) [multiverse]
large subroutine library for plotting scientific data
pi (1.3.1-2) [universe]
Compute Archimedes' constant Pi to arbitrary precision
picviz (0.5-1) [universe]
Parallel coordinates plotter
plotdrop (0.5.2-3) [universe]
A minimal GNOME frontend to GNUPlot
plotutils (2.6-0ubuntu3) [universe]
The GNU plotutils (plotting utilities) package
plplot-bin (5.9.5-4ubuntu1) [universe]
Scientific plotting library (utilities)
plplot-tcl (5.9.5-4ubuntu1) [universe]
Tcl/Tk support for PLplot, a plotting library
plplot-tcl-dev (5.9.5-4ubuntu1) [universe]
Tcl/Tk development support for PLplot, a plotting library
prover9 (0.0.200902a-2) [universe]
theorem prover and countermodel generator
prover9-mace4 (0.5.dfsg-2) [universe]
GUI for Prover9 and Mace4
psignifit (2.5.6-3) [universe]
Fitting and testing hypotheses about psychometric functions
pspp (0.6.2-3) [universe]
Statistical analysis tool
ptscotch (5.1.8a.dfsg-2) [universe]
MPI programs and libraries for graph, mesh and hypergraph partitioning
pyecm (2.0-3) [universe]
Integer factorization with the Elliptic Curve Method (ECM)
python-glpk (0.4.43-2) [universe]
Python bindings to the GNU Linear Programming Kit
python-gmpy (1.11-1) [universe]
interfaces GMP to Python for fast, unbound-precision computations
python-mpi (2.8-1.2build1) [universe]
MPI module for Python
pyxplot (0.8.1-1) [universe]
data plotting program producing publication-quality output
qalc (0.9.7-1ubuntu2) [universe]
Powerful and easy to use command line calculator
qalculate-gtk (0.9.7-1ubuntu1) [universe]
Powerful and easy to use desktop calculator - GTK+ version
qalculate-kde (0.9.7-1ubuntu1) [universe]
Powerful and easy to use desktop calculator - KDE version
qgfe (1.0-1.1) [universe]
QT based Gnuplot Front End
qhull-bin (2009.1-1) [universe]
calculate convex hulls and related structures (utilities)
qtiplot (0.9.8-1ubuntu1) [universe]
data analysis and scientific plotting
qtoctave (0.9.2+svn255-1ubuntu1) [universe]
A Qt front-end to Octave
quickplot (0.8.15-2) [universe]
fast interactive 2D plotter and data viewer
r-base (2.11.1-2) [universe]
GNU R statistical computation and graphics system
r-base-core (2.11.1-2) [universe]
GNU R core of statistical computation and graphics system
r-base-core-dbg (2.11.1-2) [universe]
GNU R debug symbols for statistical comp. language and environment
r-base-core-ra (1.2.8-4) [universe]
'ra' variant of GNU R core of statistical computing language and environment
r-base-html (2.11.1-2) [universe]
GNU R html docs for statistical computing system functions
r-bioc-hilbertvis (1.5.0-2) [universe]
GNU R package to visualise long vector data
r-cran-abind (1.1.0-4) [universe]
GNU R abind multi-dimensional array combination function
r-cran-bayesm (2.2-2-1) [universe]
GNU R package for Bayesian inference
r-cran-bitops (1.0-4.1-1build1) [universe]
GNU R package implementing bitwise operations
r-cran-boot (1.2.42-1) [universe]
GNU R package for bootstrapping functions from Davison and Hinkley
r-cran-cairodevice (2.12-1) [universe]
GNU R Cairo/Gtk2 device driver package
r-cran-car (1.2-16-2) [universe]
GNU R Companion to Applied Regression by John Fox
r-cran-catools (1.10-1) [universe]
GNU R package providing various utility functions
r-cran-chron (2.3-35-1) [universe]
GNU R package for chronologically ordered objects
r-cran-cluster (1.12.3-1) [universe]
GNU R package for cluster analysis by Rousseeuw et al
r-cran-coda (0.13-5-1) [universe]
Output analysis and diagnostics for MCMC simulations in R
r-cran-codetools (0.2-2-2) [universe]
GNU R package providing code analysis tools
r-cran-combinat (0.0-7-1build1) [universe]
GNU R package with utilities for combinatorics
r-cran-date (1.2.29-1) [universe]
GNU R package for date handling
r-cran-dbi (0.2-5-1) [universe]
GNU R package providing a generic database interface
r-cran-design (2.3-0-2) [universe]
GNU R regression modeling strategies tools by Frank Harrell
r-cran-eco (3.1-4-2) [universe]
GNU R routines for Bayesian ecological inference
r-cran-effects (2.0.10-1) [universe]
GNU R graphical and tabular effects display for glm models
r-cran-farma (2100.76-2) [universe]
GNU R package for financial engineering -- fArma
r-cran-fasianoptions (2100.76-2) [universe]
GNU R package for financial engineering -- fAsianOptions
r-cran-fassets (2100.78-3) [universe]
GNU R package for financial engineering -- fAssets
r-cran-fbasics (2110.79-1ubuntu1) [universe]
GNU R package for financial engineering -- fBasics
r-cran-fbonds (2100.75-2) [universe]
GNU R package for financial engineering -- fBonds
r-cran-fcopulae (2110.78-1) [universe]
GNU R package for financial engineering -- fCopulae
r-cran-fecofin (290.76-2) [universe]
GNU R package for financial engineering -- fEcofin
r-cran-fexoticoptions (2110.77-1) [universe]
GNU R package for financial engineering -- fExoticOptions
r-cran-fextremes (2100.77-2) [universe]
GNU R package for financial engineering -- fExtremes
r-cran-fgarch (2110.80-1) [universe]
GNU R package for financial engineering -- fGarch
r-cran-fimport (2110.79-2) [universe]
GNU R package for financial engineering -- fImport
r-cran-fmultivar (2100.76-2) [universe]
GNU R package for financial engineering -- fMultivar
r-cran-fnonlinear (2100.76-3) [universe]
GNU R package for financial engineering -- fNonlinear
r-cran-foptions (2110.78-1) [universe]
GNU R package for financial engineering -- fOptions
r-cran-foreign (0.8.40-1) [universe]
GNU R package to read/write data from other stat. systems
r-cran-fportfolio (2110.79-1) [universe]
GNU R package for financial engineering -- fPortfolio
r-cran-fregression (2100.76-2) [universe]
GNU R package for financial engineering -- fRegression
r-cran-ftrading (2100.76-2) [universe]
GNU R package for financial engineering -- fTrading
r-cran-funitroots (2100.76-2) [universe]
GNU R package for financial engineering -- fUnitRoots
r-cran-futilities (2110.78-1) [universe]
GNU R package for financial engineering -- fUtilities
r-cran-gdata (2.8.0-1) [universe]
GNU R package with data manipulation tools by Greg Warnes et al
r-cran-getopt (1.15-1) [universe]
GNU R package providing command-line parsing functionality
r-cran-gmaps (0.1.1-1) [universe]
GNU R support for producing geographic maps with grid graphics
r-cran-gmodels (2.15.0-2) [universe]
GNU R package with tools for model fitting by Greg Warnes et al
r-cran-gplots (2.8.0-1) [universe]
GNU R package with tools for plotting data by Greg Warnes et al
r-cran-gregmisc (2.1.1-1) [universe]
GNU R package with miscellaneous functions by Greg Warnes et al
r-cran-gtools (2.6.2-1) [universe]
GNU R package with R programming tools by Greg Warnes et al
r-cran-hdf5 (1.6.9-2build1) [universe]
GNU R package interfacing the NCSA HDF5 library
r-cran-hmisc (3.8-1-1) [universe]
GNU R miscellaneous functions by Frank Harrell
r-cran-its (1.1.8-2) [universe]
GNU R package for handling irregular time series
r-cran-jit (1.0-4-2) [universe]
GNU R package just-in-time compilation support
r-cran-kernsmooth (2.23-3-2) [universe]
GNU R package for kernel smoothing and density estimation
r-cran-lattice (0.18-8-1) [universe]
GNU R package for 'Trellis' graphics
r-cran-latticeextra (0.6-11-1) [universe]
GNU R package of additional graphical displays based on lattice
r-cran-lme4 (0.999375-33-1) [universe]
GNU R package for linear mixed effects model fitting
r-cran-lmtest (0.9.26-1) [universe]
GNU R package for diagnostic checking in linear models
r-cran-lpsolve (5.6.4-2) [universe]
GNU R package providing linear program solvers
r-cran-mapdata (2.1-2-1) [universe]
GNU R support for producing geographic maps (supplemental data)
r-cran-mapproj (1.1-8.2-1) [universe]
GNU R support for cartographic projections of map data
r-cran-maps (2.1-3-1) [universe]
GNU R support for producing geographic maps
r-cran-matchit (2.4-13-2) [universe]
GNU R package of nonparametric matching methods
r-cran-matrix (0.999375-40-1) [universe]
GNU R package of classes for dense and sparse matrices
r-cran-mcmcpack (1.0-6-1) [universe]
GNU R routines for Markov chain Monte Carlo model estimation
r-cran-mgcv (1.6-2-1) [universe]
GNU R package for multiple parameter smoothing estimation
r-cran-misc3d (0.7-0-2) [universe]
GNU R collection of 3d plot functions and rgl-based isosurfaces
r-cran-mnormt (1.3-3-2) [universe]
GNU R package providing multivariate normal and t distribution
r-cran-mnp (2.6-1-2) [universe]
GNU R package for fitting multinomial probit (MNP) models
r-cran-multcomp (1.1-7-1) [universe]
GNU R package for multiple comparison procedures
r-cran-mvtnorm (0.9-9-1) [universe]
GNU R package to compute multivariate Normal and T distributions
r-cran-nlme (3.1.96-1) [universe]
GNU R package for (non-)linear mixed effects models
r-cran-nws ( [universe]
GNU R package for distributed programming via NetWorkSpaces
r-cran-plotrix (2.9-3-2) [universe]
GNU R package providing various plotting functions
r-cran-polspline (1.1.4-2) [universe]
GNU R package providing polynomial spline fitting
r-cran-pscl (1.03.5-1) [universe]
GNU R package for discrete data models
r-cran-psy (1.0-2) [universe]
GNU R procedures for psychometrics
r-cran-qtl (1.16-6-2) [universe]
GNU R package for genetic marker linkage analysis
r-cran-quadprog (1.5-3-1) [universe]
GNU R package for solving quadratic programming problems
r-cran-rcmdr (1.5-6-1) [universe]
GNU R platform-independent basic-statistics GUI
r-cran-rcolorbrewer (1.0-2-2) [universe]
GNU R package providing suitable color palettes
r-cran-rcpp (0.8.2-1) [universe]
GNU R / C++ interface classes and examples
r-cran-relimp (1.0-1-3) [universe]
GNU R package for inference on relative importance of regressors
r-cran-rggobi (2.1.14-2) [universe]
GNU R package for the GGobi data visualization system
r-cran-rgl (0.91-1) [universe]
GNU R package for three-dimensional visualisation using OpenGL
r-cran-rglpk (0.3-5-1) [universe]
GNU R interface to the GNU Linear Programing Kit
r-cran-rgtk2 (2.12.18-1) [universe]
GNU R binding for Gtk2
r-cran-rjava (0.8-4-1) [universe]
GNU R low-level interface to Java
r-cran-rmpi (0.5-8-2) [universe]
GNU R package interfacing MPI libraries for distributed computing
r-cran-rmysql (0.7-5-1) [universe]
GNU R package providing a DBI-compliant interface to MySQL
r-cran-robustbase (0.5-0-1-1) [universe]
GNU R package providing basic robust statistics
r-cran-rocr (1.0-4-1) [universe]
GNU R package to prepare and display ROC curves
r-cran-rodbc (1.3-1-2) [universe]
GNU R package for ODBC database access
r-cran-rpart (3.1.46-1) [universe]
GNU R package for recursive partitioning and regression trees
r-cran-rpvm (1.0.4-1) [universe]
GNU R package interfacing PVM libraries for distributed computing
r-cran-rquantlib (0.3.2-1build1) [universe]
GNU R package interfacing the QuantLib finance library
r-cran-rserve (0.6-1-1) [universe]
GNU R Rserve tcp/ip server and sample clients
r-cran-rsprng (1.0-1) [universe]
GNU R interface to SPRNG (Scalable Parallel RNGs)
r-cran-runit (0.4.25-1) [universe]
GNU R package providing unit testing framework
r-cran-sandwich (2.2-6-1) [universe]
GNU R package for model-robust standard error estimates
r-cran-sm (2.2-4.1-1) [universe]
GNU R package for kernel smoothing methods
r-cran-sn (0.4-15-1) [universe]
GNU R package providing skew-normal and skew-t distributions
r-cran-snow (1:0.3.4~20080824-1) [universe]
GNU R package for 'simple network of workstations'
r-cran-strucchange (1.4-0-1) [universe]
GNU R package for structural change regression estimation
r-cran-survival (2.35-8-1) [universe]
GNU R package for survival analysis
r-cran-timedate (2110.88-1) [universe]
GNU R package for financial engineering -- timeDate
r-cran-timeseries (2110.87-1) [universe]
GNU R package for financial engineering -- timeSeries
r-cran-tkrplot (0.0.18-3) [universe]
GNU R embedded Tk plotting device package
r-cran-tseries (0.10-22-1) [universe]
GNU R package for time-series analysis and comp. finance
r-cran-urca (1.2-3-2) [universe]
GNU R package providing unit root and cointegration tests
r-cran-vgam (0.7-10-1) [universe]
GNU R package for estimating vector generalized additive models
r-cran-vr (7.3-0-2) [universe]
GNU R package accompanying the Venables and Ripley book on S
r-cran-xml (3.1-0-1) [universe]
GNU R package for XML parsing and generation
r-cran-zelig (3.4-8-2) [universe]
GNU R package providing a unified front-end for estimating statistical models
r-cran-zoo (1.6-3-1) [universe]
GNU R package for totally ordered indexed observations
r-mathlib (2.11.1-2) [universe]
GNU R standalone mathematics library
r-noncran-lindsey (1.0.20071024-1.1) [universe]
GNU R libraries contributed by Jim and Patrick Lindsey
r-recommended (2.11.1-2) [universe]
GNU R collection of recommended packages [metapackage]
regina-normal (4.6-1.1ubuntu1) [universe]
3-manifold topology software with normal surface support
regina-normal-mpi (4.6-1.1ubuntu1) [universe]
MPI utilities for Regina, the 3-manifold topology software
rkward (0.5.3-2ubuntu1) [universe]
a KDE frontend to the R statistics language
rlplot (1.4-1ubuntu1) [universe]
Generate publication quality graphs
rpncalc (1.36.8) [universe]
RPN calculator trying to emulate an HP28S
sc (7.16-3) [universe]
Text-based spreadsheet with VI-like keybindings
scalapack-mpi-test (1.8.0-6) [universe]
Scalable Linear Algebra Package - Test files for MPICH
scilab (5.2.2-9ubuntu1) [universe]
Scientific software package for numerical computations
scilab-ann ( [universe]
Scilab module for artificial neural networks
scilab-celestlab (2.0.0-1-1) [universe]
A Scilab library of space flight dynamics functions
scilab-cli (5.2.2-9ubuntu1) [universe]
Scientific software package - Command Line Interpreter
scilab-data (5.2.2-9ubuntu1) [universe]
Scientific software package for numerical computations (data files)
scilab-doc (5.2.2-9ubuntu1) [universe]
Scientific software package (english documentations)
scilab-full-bin (5.2.2-9ubuntu1) [universe]
Scientific software package for numerical computations (all binary files)
scilab-include (5.2.2-9ubuntu1) [universe]
Scientific software package for numerical computations (include files)
scilab-minimal-bin (5.2.2-9ubuntu1) [universe]
Scientific software package for numerical computations (minimal binary files)
scilab-overload (1.3.2-3) [universe]
Scilab toolbox to overload Scilab's macros
scilab-plotlib (0.41-2) [universe]
"Matlab-like" Plotting library for Scilab
scilab-scimax (2.1.1-1) [universe]
Symbolic computations for Scilab based on Maxima
scilab-scimysql (0.1.1-2) [universe]
A Scilab interface to MySQL
scilab-sivp (0.5.2-2) [universe]
Scilab Image and Video Processing toolbox
scilab-swt (0.1.0rc4-4) [universe]
Scilab Wavelet and signal processing toolbox
scilab-test (5.2.2-9ubuntu1) [universe]
Scientific software package for numerical computations (test files)
scotch (5.1.8a.dfsg-2) [universe]
programs and libraries for graph, mesh and hypergraph partitioning
sgb (1:20090810-1) [multiverse]
The Stanford GraphBase: combinatorial data and algorithms
singular (3-0-4-3.dfsg-3.1ubuntu1) [universe]
A commutative algebra system
snappea (3.0d3-20ubuntu1) [universe]
a program for creating and studying hyperbolic 3-manifolds
socnetv (0.81-1ubuntu2) [universe]
social network analysis and visualisation application
spline (1.2-1) [universe]
Akima spline interpolation
stda (1.0-2) [universe]
simple tools for data analysis (stda) (1.0-6build2) [universe]
Scientific calculator implementing RPN notation for GNUstep
sympow (1.019-4) [universe]
Special values of symmetric power elliptic curve L-functions
tachyon (0.98~beta.dfsg-1) [universe]
Parallel/Multiprocessor Ray Tracing Software
tapecalc (20070214-2) [universe]
a full-screen tape editor that lets the user edit a calculation
tetgen (1.4.2-3) [multiverse]
A Quality Tetrahedral Mesh Generator
tiemu (3.02-1ubuntu2) [multiverse]
Texas Instruments calculators emulator (without GDB)
tiemu-skinedit (1.27-2) [universe]
skin editor for TiEmu
tilp2 (1.13-0ubuntu2) [universe]
Texas Instruments hand-helds <-> PC communication program for X
udav (0.5.2-1build1) [universe]
application for data visualization based on MathGL
wcalc (2.4-1build1) [universe]
A flexible command-line scientific calculator
why (2.26+dfsg-2) [universe]
A software verification tool
wxmaxima (0.8.5-2) [universe]
GUI for the computer algebra system Maxima
wzip (1.1.3) [universe]
Lossy compression and denoising
xgraph (12.1-13) [universe]
Plotting program, reads stdin, allows interactive zooming
xmaxima (5.21.1-2ubuntu1) [universe]
A computer algebra system -- x interface
yacas (1.2.2-5) [universe]
Computer Algebra System
yale (5.0.95-2) [multiverse]
stellar data set from the Yale Bright Star Catalog
yorick (2.1.06+dfsg-2) [universe]
interpreted language and scientific graphics
yorick-cubeview (1.5-1) [universe]
a 3D FITS data viewer specialized in spectro-imaging
yorick-curses (0.1-4) [universe]
interface to the (n)curses library for the Yorick language
yorick-data (2.1.06+dfsg-2) [universe]
interpreted library for the Yorick language
yorick-dev (2.1.06+dfsg-2) [universe]
development files for the Yorick interpreted language
yorick-gl (1.1+cvs20070922+dfsg-3) [universe]
OpenGL 3D graphics support for the Yorick language
yorick-hdf5 (0.8.0-1build1) [universe]
Hierarchical Data Format 5 interface for the Yorick language
yorick-imutil (0.5.5-1) [universe]
fast image manipulation routines for the Yorick language
yorick-ml4 (0.6.0-1) [universe]
Matlab file format support for the Yorick language
yorick-optimpack (1.3.1+dfsg1-1) [universe]
optimization of large scale problems for the Yorick language
yorick-soy (1.2.01-2) [universe]
sparse matrix operations for the Yorick language
yorick-spydr (0.8.1-1) [universe]
FITS image display and simple analysis
yorick-yao (4.5.1-1) [universe]
a Yorick-based adaptive optics system simulator
yorick-yeti (6.3.1-1) [universe]
utility plugin for the Yorick language
yorick-yeti-fftw (6.3.1-1) [universe]
FFT plugin for the Yorick language
yorick-yeti-gsl (6.3.1-1) [universe]
GSL special functions plugin for the Yorick language
yorick-yeti-regex (6.3.1-1) [universe]
POSIX regular expressions for the Yorick language
yorick-yeti-tiff (6.3.1-1) [universe]
TIFF image format input for the Yorick language
yorick-yutils (1.5.0-1) [universe]
various utilities for the Yorick language
yorick-z (1.2.0+cvs20080115-1) [universe]
zlib, jpeg and png support for the Yorick language

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Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat: Software Packages presenti nella categoria Aplicazioni Matematiche, terza parte.

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