Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat: tutti i programmi dedicati al sistema grafico X Window System, prima puntata.

Creato il 23 ottobre 2010 da Hugor @msdiaz61
Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat: tutti i programmi dedicati al sistema grafico X Window System, prima puntata.Tutti i programmi, utility e librerie dedicati al sistema grafico X Window System. presenti nella nuova release targata Ubuntu: Maverick Meerkat.
Un window manager è un programma che gestisce l'aspetto e la posizione di una finestra nel X Window System, un sistema grafico usato principalmente sotto Unix.
Chi scopre il mondo Linux rimane favorevolmente colpito dal grande numero di window manager a disposizione dell'ambiente grafico X-Windows. E così si cerca di provarli tutti, finendo per avere sull'hard disk decine di mega occupati.
Vediamo quello che si adatta meglio alle nostre esigenze.
In questa prima puntata dalle popolari adesklets all'ultima versionedi Compiz-Fusion con tutti i plugins passando per altri windows manager un po' meno conosciuti ma non meno validi come 9wm, aewm ed altri comandi e utility.
9menu (1.8-2) [universe]
Creates X menus from the shell
9wm (1.2-9) [universe]
emulation of the Plan 9 window manager 8-1/2
abr2gbr (1.0.3-1) [universe]
Converts PhotoShop brushes to GIMP
aclock.app (0.2.3-3build2) [universe]
Analog dockapp clock for GNUstep
adesklets (0.6.1-5) [universe]
interactive Imlib2 console for the X Window System
aewm (1.3.12-2) [universe]
a minimalist window manager for X11
aewm++ (1.1.2-5) [universe]
minimal window manager written in C++
aewm++-goodies (1.0-9) [universe]
utilities to complement a minimal window manager
afterstep (2.2.9-5) [universe]
window manager with the NEXTSTEP look and feel
albumshaper (2.1-5) [universe]
Photo album creator and photo manipulator
alevt (1:1.6.2-4) [universe]
X11 Teletext/Videotext browser
alltray (0.69-1ubuntu4) [universe]
Dock any program into the system tray
amiwm (0.20.48-8) [multiverse]
The Amiga look alike window manager
amoeba (1.1-21) [multiverse]
fast-paced, polished OpenGL demonstration by Excess
amoeba-data (1.1-5) [multiverse]
Fast-paced, polished OpenGL demonstration by Excess (data)
amora-server (1.1-1) [universe]
use a bluetooth enabled mobile phone as desktop remote control
amsn (0.98.3-2ubuntu1) [universe]
An MSN messenger written in Tcl
amsn-data (0.98.3-2ubuntu1) [universe]
Data files for aMSN
amule (2.2.6+debian0-8ubuntu1) [universe]
client for the eD2k and Kad networks, like eMule
amule-adunanza (2010.1+2.2.6-0ubuntu1) [universe]
client for the eD2k and Kadu networks for for Fastweb clients
amule-adunanza-daemon (2010.1+2.2.6-0ubuntu1) [universe]
non-graphic version of aMule-AdunanzA, a client for the eD2k and
amule-adunanza-utils (2010.1+2.2.6-0ubuntu1) [universe]
utilities for aMule-AdunanzA (command-line version)
amule-adunanza-utils-gui (2010.1+2.2.6-0ubuntu1) [universe]
graphic utilities for aMule-AdunanzA
amule-common (2.2.6+debian0-8ubuntu1) [universe]
common files for the rest of aMule packages
amule-daemon (2.2.6+debian0-8ubuntu1) [universe]
non-graphic version of aMule, a client for the eD2k and Kad networks
amule-utils (2.2.6+debian0-8ubuntu1) [universe]
utilities for aMule (command-line version)
amule-utils-gui (2.2.6+debian0-8ubuntu1) [universe]
graphic utilities for aMule
aosd-cat (0.2.5-1) [universe]
an on screen display tool which uses libaosd
app-install-data-commercial ( [universe]
Transitional package
app-install-data-partner (
Application Installer (data files for partner applications/repositories)
aqemu (0.7.3-1) [universe]
Qt4 front-end for QEMU and KVM
arandr (0.1.3-1) [universe]
Simple visual front end for XRandR 1.2
asclock (2.0.12-17) [universe]
A clock designed with the NeXTStep look
asclock-themes (2.0.12-17) [universe]
Theme files for ASclock, a clock applet
asmix (1.5-4) [universe]
display a volume knob
asmon (0.71-4) [universe]
system resource monitor dockapp for Afterstep and WindowMaker
aterm (1.0.1-7) [universe]
Afterstep XVT - a VT102 emulator for the X window system
aterm-ml (1.0.1-7) [universe]
Afterstep XVT - a VT102 emulator for the X window system
autocutsel (0.9.0-1) [universe]
Keep the X clipboard and the cutbuffer in sync
autodia (2.10-2) [universe]
generates UML diagrams from perl or C++ code
awesome (3.4.5-1) [universe]
highly configurable, next generation framework window manager for X
awesome-extra (2010051701) [universe]
additional modules for awesome
backstep (0.3-0ubuntu3) [universe]
Draws icons for minimized windows on your desktop
bandwidthcalc (0.2-1) [universe]
file transfer time calculator written in GTK+
batmon.app (0.5-1) [universe]
Battery monitor for GNUstep
bbdate (0.2.4-4.3) [universe]
Date tool for the blackbox window manager
bbkeys (0.9.0-7.1) [universe]
A key-grabber for any NETWM/EMWH-compliant window manager
bbpager (0.4.7-3) [universe]
Pager for the blackbox and fluxbox window managers
bbrun (1.6-5) [universe]
A tool for the blackbox/fluxbox window managers that runs commands
bbsload (0.2.8-3) [universe]
System load tool for the blackbox window manager
bbtime (0.1.5-12) [universe]
Time tool for the blackbox/fluxbox window managers
bdfresize (1.5-5) [universe]
tool for resizing BDF format font
big-cursor (3.8) [universe]
larger mouse cursors for X
blackbox (0.70.1-2.2ubuntu1) [universe]
Window manager for X
blackbox-themes (0.3) [universe]
Themes for the Blackbox Windowmanager
blubuntu-look (0.3.1) [universe]
Blubuntu look - metapackage
blubuntu-session-splashes (0.3.1) [universe]
Blubuntu look - Session splashes
blubuntu-theme (0.3.1) [universe]
Blubuntu look - GTK+ and Metacity theme
blubuntu-wallpapers (0.3.1) [universe]
Blubuntu look - Wallpapers
blueman (1.21-4.1) [universe]
A Graphical bluetooth manager
bluetile (0.5.1-2ubuntu1) [universe]
full-featured tiling for the GNOME desktop environment
boats (201004-1) [universe]
a race scenario drawing tool
boinc-manager (6.10.58+dfsg-3) [universe]
GUI to control and monitor the BOINC core client
bookmarkbridge (0.76-2.2ubuntu1) [universe]
tool to synchronize bookmarks between browsers
breathe-icon-theme (0.51.2) [universe]
A fresh and modern icon theme for Ubuntu
bubblefishymon (0.6.4-3) [universe]
system load dockapp with a duck
buici-clock ( [universe]
attractive desktop clock
cairo-clock (0.3.4-1ubuntu1) [universe]
An analog clock drawn with vector-graphics
cairo-clock-hildon (0.3.4-1ubuntu1) [universe]
An analog clock drawn with vector-graphics
cdcat (1.01b-2) [universe]
media catalog program
chameleon-cursor-theme (0.5-3) [universe]
a modern but not gaudy X11 mouse theme
charmap.app (0.2-10) [universe]
Character map for GNUstep
choosewm (0.1.6-1) [universe]
fake x-session-manager allowing the user to choose a wm
cmatrix-xfont (1.2a-4) [universe]
X11 font for cmatrix
cnee (3.06-1) [universe]
X event recorder/replayer - command-line flavor
codeblocks-common (10.05-0ubuntu1) [universe]
common files for Code::Blocks IDE
comix (4.0.4-1) [universe]
GTK Comic Book Viewer
comixcursors (0.6.1-4) [universe]
X11 mouse pointer theme with a comic feeling
community-themes (0.23.1) [universe]
desktop artwork by the Ubuntu community
compiz (1:0.8.6-0ubuntu9)
OpenGL window and compositing manager
compiz-core (1:0.8.6-0ubuntu9)
OpenGL window and compositing manager
compiz-dev (1:0.8.6-0ubuntu9)
OpenGL window and compositing manager - development files
compiz-fusion-bcop (0.8.4-1)
Compiz Fusion option code generator
compiz-fusion-plugins-extra (0.8.6-0ubuntu1) [universe]
Collection of extra plugins from OpenCompositing for Compiz
compiz-fusion-plugins-main (0.8.6-0ubuntu2)
Compiz Fusion plugins - main collection
compiz-gnome (1:0.8.6-0ubuntu9)
OpenGL window and compositing manager - GNOME window decorator
compiz-kde (1:0.8.6-0ubuntu9) [universe]
OpenGL window and compositing manager - KDE window decorator
compiz-plugins (1:0.8.6-0ubuntu9)
OpenGL window and compositing manager - plugins
compizconfig-settings-manager (0.8.2-0ubuntu1) [universe]
Compiz configuration settings manager
convertall (0.4.2-1) [universe]
very flexible unit converter
cryptonit (0.9.7-2.3) [universe]
A client side PKI (X.509) cryptographic tool
crystalcursors (1.1.1-12) [universe]
X11 mouse theme with the crystal look&feel
ctwm (3.7-3.1) [universe]
Claude's Tab window manager
culmus (0.104-1)
TrueType and Type1 Hebrew Fonts for X11
culmus-fancy (0.0.20051018-3) [universe]
Type1 Fancy Hebrew Fonts for X11

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