Magazine Decorazione
Hi friends... how are you?I cannot believe is from August I do not update my blog!!! But I have been working anyway!! =) even if time is not much, and my little stars keep me busy all the time, I managed to craft a bit, and soon I'll show you what I made! =)Now I am getting ready for Christmas, do you remember the Christmas ball I made with kids pictures?? Of course I ma making them for my kids as well! =) ...and if you would like to make it yourself you can join m class! =)
Bene ragazze... ora vi saluto perchè le stelline reclamano la loro mamma... ma per chi è delle mie parti e ha voglia ci vediamo il 5... per tutte le altre presto cercherò di farvi vedere le mie ultime creazioni! =) ...bene vi auguro buona giornata...e grazie per la visita! =)
Well.... that's that... now I go, because my little stars are asking for their mum... but if those of you who wish and live closed to me I wait you at my class... for all the others soon I'll show you what I have been working at! =) have a great day... and thanks a lot for passing by! =)
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