Magazine Tecnologia

Uncharted 3 : online ufficialmente la patch 1.02, risolve i problemi di mira e tanto altro

Creato il 28 novembre 2011 da Notizieplaystation @Notizie_PS
Uncharted 3 : online ufficialmente la patch 1.02, risolve i problemi di mira e tanto altroSi è fatta un pò attendere ma finalmente la nuova patch di Uncharted 3 è online :
Serve per sistemare i difetti legati alla mira, ma non solo : negli aggiustamenti si segnala l'aggiunta della modalità "Cinema" per poter vedere comodamente i filmati di gioco tramite menu, una modifica significativa legata al mancato effetto Motion Blur per il single player e numerosi altri fix e cambiamenti generali.
Per quanto riguarda il nuovo sistema di mira introdotto, può essere abilitato nel menu delle opzioni, quindi sembrerebbe essere pienamente retroattivo, utile per chi si è trovato bene finora e non vuole cambiare.
La patch pesa solo 32 megabyte, qui di seguito il log completo delle caratteristiche :
Movie cutscene viewer added (in the Bonuses menu, Single-Player only)Technical
Fixed the missing Motion Blur effects (for Single Player only)“Alternate Aim Settings” added to the Options menu under Camera options (for Single Player only)Multiplayer
Settings bug fixed: all controls being set to flipped mode setting will no longer change all controls back to defaultGameplay
Medal streaks won’t reset if the host migrates to another userBlindfire targeting adjusted so that opposing players past a certain vertical angle above and below won’t be hit.Allow grenade throw while scopedTuned Pull Down range from 1.5 meters to 2.0 metersLowered the player running speed when players run ‘n gun by approximately 15%Slightly increased the turn radius of run ‘n gunSlightly decreased the turning speed during Sprint
Fixed an infrequent hunter spawning issue in Hunter Arena when the match round switchesFixed several cinema crashesLocked fast-forwarding on convoy sequence in Airstrip TDM and train sequence on London Underground TDM to 3x maximum in Cinema ModeFixed certain cameras in Kick Offs and Pull DownsFixed a late join skin bug with locked contentFixed a split-screen Buddy treasure pickup bugFixed duplicate medal problem causing bad tabulation of a few medals to the player’s career stats
User Interface
Objective points now show up in the player’s Competitive statistics tab instead of the Cooperative statistics tabAdded a Facebook Sign Out optionAdded the Add Friend functionality in the Facebook tabFixed voice icon for mics not appearing in Matchmaking lobbyAdding missing weapon stats tracking for certain weapons that were not being recorded to the player statsFix for not displaying the entire Online ID within the “Players” column of any leaderboard.Fix for a user having an online ID containing fifteen or more characters created in uppercase format and actively using a voice comm device.
Matchmaking now waits for double the number of players in the biggest party in the room to be present before starting a game (to prevent parties from being split frequently)Players no longer able to join party that is already in Matchmaking

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