Il Nokia N9 riceve un aggiornamento firmware e passa alla versisone 20.2011.40-4.
Purtroppo sappiamo solo che l’aggiornamento pesa 200Mb.
Changelog by andypower_83 (grazie):
- NFC tag reading to instantly interact with NFC tags
- Music controls on lock screen
- Photo and video shooting with color filters: black & white, sepia, vivid, negative, solarize
- More powerful multitasking with improved memory handling
- Swype for fast typing
- Faster MfE synch, synchronizing only active folders
- Noice cancellation reduces background noise so that your friends hear you better
- Close apps easily with swiping down, this now on by default
- New indicators for standby screen like charging and calendar
- etc.
Sono state aggiornate anche le applicazione pre-caricate: Twitter, Facebook, Store, Ovi Musica, Galaxy on Fire2, Nokia Drive, Angry Birds, AccuWeather, NFS Shift, Real Golf 2011
Chi ha la fortuna di averlo tra le mani ci faccia sapere.