Nokia Ovi Maps, è stato aggiornato alla versione 3.06. Si tratta di un minor update con piccoli miglioramenti e bugfix.
Ecco le novità introdotte:
- New! Download street maps directly to your device! A new feature called “Update” on the main menu which allows you download Street Maps directly (via WiFi) to your phone without a PC! Please note that phones without WiFi (e.g. Nokia 5230) will not work.
- New! My Position and Search are now integrated (now called Map). When accessed, it will show your last map view
- New! Back button in Favourites
- New! Long tap functionality to delete & rename collections & routes
- New! Pop up for first time use – to inform user to download new map data (when upgrading 3.04 > 3.06 for the first time)
- New! Improved behaviours of transit lines settings in map toolbox (no more grey out)
- New! Compass calibration hint
- New! Refreshed place details information view
Ed un video:
Potete scaricare l’applicazione direttamente dai Beta Labs.