Beware!! Un altro inquietante grido d'allarme del W.A.M.U.F. (Women Against Metrosexuals United Front).
Ragazzo chiaramente rimasto sotto di Sampei pescatore grandi orecchie a sventola. I sandali da bambino delle elementari? La camiciola e i bermuda tono su tono? LA CINTURINA DI CORDA DA FRATE IN PENITENZA? E poi il tocco indiscutibilmente Sampei, il cappelletto di paglia!
Hey girls! The W.A.M.U.F. (Women Against Metrosexuals United Front) is back!!! I mean look at this guy, he looks like he's a six year old boy on seaside vacation during the 30's, having a serious penchand for religious accessorizing (see sandals and belt).
And he totally reminded me of Sampei, the fisherman anime character of my childhood! Right?