Adatto a tutte le lunghezze, ai tagli corti dona un allure più sbarazzina mentre, per chi ha folte chiome, dona un look più seducente.
Acqua e sale tendono a far arricciare il capello con naturalezza ma in commercio da Sephora e L'oreal esistono anche degli spray salini creati appositamente per riprodurre questo effetto.
Ricordate sempre di proteggere i vostri capelli il più possibile da vento e sole usando cappelli, foulard ed un buon protettivo.
In these days of holiday, with the heat and swim at the beach or pool, you have little time or inclination to devote to a turn, and so perfect for the summer, there is nothing better than wavy hair, natural and a little disheveled.
Suitable for all lengths, cuts short gives a more casual allure, while for those with thick foliage gives a look more enticing.Water and salt tend to curl your hair naturally but marketed by L'oreal Sephora and there are also salt spray specially created to reproduce this effect.
Always remember to protect your hair as much as possible from the wind and sun using hats, scarves and a good protective.