Which gifts for the wedding list??
Plates, glasses and cutlery are indispensable for a young couple, but nothing prevents you to add to your list subscriptions to magazines or theater, tools for DIY, design
furniture or sporting equipment. The chosen shop should think about the management of the list, the delivery of the gifts and should have a dedicated website for online purchases.
If the couple begin a new life together, each item is useful, but if they already live together?
In questo caso, come fare a rispettare almeno le apparenze senza dare l’idea che si sta chiedendo denaro contante??? Ripartendo in quote il programma della vacanza: escursioni, cene, voli, visite guidate, spettacoli, ...non una quota ma un piccolo pezzo di paradiso !!!In ogni caso, ricordate di annotare il nome del mittente ed il regalo non appena lo riceverete. Al ritorno dal viaggio di nozze inviate poi dei ringraziamenti scritti di proprio pugno con una frase che rimandi esplicitamente al dono ricevuto.
The second hipotesys is the honeymoon.
It could be nicer and easier for the guests, if you share the journey in several activities and experiences: hiking, dinners, flights, tours, shows, ... little pieces of paradise donated from your family and your friends! At the end of the honeymoon, write them about the holiday explicitly refering to the gift received.