Magazine Lifestyle

Welcome to Miami, Enjoy

Creato il 31 marzo 2013 da Miriamstella @Miriam_stella
Welcome to Miami, Enjoy
 Eccomi qui ! appena arrivata a Miami...
la prima passeggiata sulla Lincoln Road, per respirare nuovamente l'aria così accogliente che c'è a Miami. Ho portato con me la piccola Enjoy, per regalarle quel clima mite che tanto i chihuahua adorano. All'inizio era un po' timidina e voleva saltarmi in braccio, ma poi, come sempre , ha acquisito confidenza con il nuovo ambiente, ed è diventata la regina della Lincoln Road.  Miami, è la patria dei colori fluo, tutto l'anno, lo sapete, no? E come potevo rinunciare ad usarli nei miei look?
Infatti, ecco qui le seakers fluo, biker jacket rosa fluo, e satchel bag giallo neon...
Godetevi questi primi scatti, perchè ce ne saranno tanti altri....a presto....un saluto da Miami...e buona Pasqua !
Here I am! just arrived in Miami ... the first walks on Lincoln Road, to breathe again so cozy air, there is in Miami. I brought the little Enjoy, to give her the mild climate that both chihuahua love At first it was a bit shy and she wanted to pounce on my arm, but then, as always, has become familiar with the new environment, and has become the Queen of Lincoln Road. Miami is the home of the fluo colors, all year round, you know, right? And how could I refrain from using them in my looks?   In fact, here are the Seakers fluorescent, fluorescent pink biker jacket and satchel bag neon yellow ...
Enjoy these first shots, because there will be many others .... see you soon .... greetings from Miami ... and Happy Easter!
Welcome to Miami, Enjoy
Welcome to Miami, Enjoy
Welcome to Miami, Enjoy
Welcome to Miami, Enjoy
Welcome to Miami, Enjoy
Welcome to Miami, Enjoy
Welcome to Miami, Enjoy
Welcome to Miami, Enjoy
Welcome to Miami, Enjoy
Welcome to Miami, Enjoy
Welcome to Miami, Enjoy
Welcome to Miami, Enjoy TALLY WEIJL sneakers and jacket CHOICE bag MIU' MIU sunglasses SISSI HAND bracelets OBLIGE cover i-phone

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