UNEXPECTED - RitaVaselli Watercolor - Ink - Pastel on Canson Montval (15"x19")
A volte ai fiori si può togliere la loro bella apparenza per dipingere emozioni diverse.Una passeggiata nel verde, fili d'erba nel vento, fiori senza nome si manifestano come dentro un sogno, inattesi, tra macchie di colore e di inchiostro nella luce del primo giorno di primavera.Nonostante il mondo possa a causa degli uomini diventare un inferno, dipingo fiori perchè non perdo la speranza.Da millenni, sopra le sciagure umane sorge il sole e ogni anno primavera ritorna.*******A gallery owner who has enjoyed some of my watercolors told me what sense does it paint flower, today, in this world of violence
I had to explain him why I paint flowers so often and which message into my works.
I do not paint flowers as gentle creatures and beautiful, that die easily.
In Western culture the flowers (as the fruits) are a symbol of "vanitas", something that has no permanence.
My flowers instead, are a symbol of strength and beauty that can be short-lived, apparently, but come back every season, bringing a message of rebirth and eternity. Flowers are, to me, my own symbols of permanence and healing.
I try not to indicate flowers with scientific precision, I try to paint their presence as state of my mind into nature world.

Unexpected - detail - RitaVaselli Watercolor
I can even ignore their beautiful appearance, sometime, to paint my emotions.Walking in the wind, flowers unnamed as in a dream, unexpected, appear between grass, patches of color and ink in the light of the first day of spring.
Although the world may become a hell, I paint flowers because I do not lose hope.
For thousands of years ...above the human disasters the sun rises and every year, spring come back.