Magazine Cultura

William Henry Margetson and his deligtsome ladies.

Creato il 04 settembre 2015 da Daniela @Mylittloldworld

William Henry Margetson and his deligtsome ladies.
Fresh Lavender, 1909
William Henry Margetson (1860-1940) fu un pittore inglese attivo nell'epoca tardo vittoriana - edoardiana conosciuto soprattutto per i suoi ritratti a figura intera di graziose ragazze, sempre ridenti, dall'aspetto pulito, semplice, sereno, gaio, uniche protagoniste della tela con la loro umiltà
William Henry Margetson and his deligtsome ladies.
At the Cottage Door
William Henry Margetson and his deligtsome ladies.
Her Dower, study of A Girl Arranging Linen
William Henry Margetson and his deligtsome ladies.
The Morning Walk
che traspare dai loro sguardi, accesi della gioia che solo la modestia riesce a far raggiungere e rende possibile il donarla.Quando i suoi soggetti non guardano chi li ritrae sembrano essere colti in momenti del loro sereno agire quotidiano, e comunicano comunque allo spettatore letizia e tranquillità interiore ...
William Henry Margetson and his deligtsome ladies.
Barbara Allen

William Henry Margetson and his deligtsome ladies.
Lady of the House,
William Henry Margetson and his deligtsome ladies.
Harbingers of Spring, 1911
William Henry Margetson and his deligtsome ladies.
Daffodils, detail
William Henry Margetson and his deligtsome ladies.
Title unknown
William Henry Margetson and his deligtsome ladies.
The Laundry Maid, 1920
William Henry Margetson and his deligtsome ladies.
A Moment's Reflection

Egli visse a Wallingford on Thames e condusse gli studi di arte presso la South Kensington Schools, quindi si perfezionò alla Royal Academy ove espose a partire dal 1885.Accanto ai ritratti di giovani ragazze a lui contemporanee e ai ritratti, Margetson diede vita anche ad immagini di carattere religioso
William Henry Margetson and his deligtsome ladies.
St Mary at the Loom
William Henry Margetson and his deligtsome ladies.
Ecce Homo
di natura allegorica 
William Henry Margetson and his deligtsome ladies.
The Sea Haths Its Pearls, 1897
William Henry Margetson and his deligtsome ladies.
The Stranger, 1902
e classico/antica. 
William Henry Margetson and his deligtsome ladies.
Con gli inizi del secolo egli si dedicò con discreto successo anche alla creazione di illustrazioni acquerellate recuperando la radiosità nei volti propria degli originari ritratti che gli diedero il successo.William Henry Margetson and his deligtsome ladies.
Non permettere mai
che qualcuno venga a te e vada via
senza essere migliore e più contento.
Sii l’espressione della bontà di Dio.
Bontà sul tuo volto
e nei tuoi occhi,
bontà nel tuo sorriso
e nel tuo saluto.
Ai bambini, ai poveri
e a tutti coloro che soffrono
nella carne e nello spirito
offri sempre un sorriso gioioso.
Dà loro non solo le tue cure
ma anche il tuo cuore.
Madre Teresa di Calcutta, da “La Gioia di amare”
Vi giunga gioioso il mio più affettuoso saluto, colmo di gratitudine e di sincera devozione, 
a presto  
William Henry Margetson and his deligtsome ladies.
William Henry Margetson and his deligtsome ladies.
William Henry Margetson and his deligtsome ladies.
- picture 1 - Fresh Lavender1909
William Henry Margetson (1860-1940) was an English painter active during the late Victorian era  and the  Edwardian one known for its full-length portraits of pretty girls, always smiling, with a clean, simple, seren and cheerful face, only protagonists of his canvas with their humility
- picture 2 - At the Cottage Door
- picture 3 - Her Dower, study of A Girl Arranging Linen
- picture 4 - The Morning Walk
that shines through their eyes, bright with the joy that only modesty allows to reach and makes it possible to give it.
When his subjects don't watch the painter they seem to be caught in the serene moments of their daily activities, and communicate to the viewer, anyway, joy and peace of mind ...
- picture 5 - Barbara Allen
- picture 6 - Lady of the House
- picture 7 - Harbingers of Spring, 1911
- picture 8 - Daffodils, detail
- picture 9 - Title unknown
- picture 10 - The Laundry Maid, 1920
- picture 11 - A Moment's Reflection
He lived in Wallingford on Thames and led studies of art at the South Kensington Schools, and perfected them at the Royal Academy where he began to exhibit in 1885.
Alongside portraits of contemporary young girls, Margetson also started to give life to images of religious scenes
- picture 12 - St. Mary at the Loom
- picture 11 - Ecce Homo
of allegorical nature
- picture 13 - The Sea Haths Its Pearls, 1897
- picture 14 - The Stranger, 1902
and classic / ancient ones.
- picture 15 -  Cleopatra
With the beginning of the century, he devoted himself, with some success, to the creation of watercolor illustrations regaining the radiance on the faces he first portrayed, which probably gave him success.
- picture 16 -
Never allowsomeone who comes to you and go away from younot to be better and happier.Be the expression of God's kindness.Kindness in your faceand in your eyes,kindness in your smileand in your greeting.To children, to the poorand to all those sufferingin their body and spiritalways offer a joyous smile.It gives them not only your carebut also your heart.Mother Teresa of Calcutta, from "The Joy of Loving"

Hope it may reach you, deeply joyous, my most affectionate greeting, full of gratitude and sincere devotion,
see you soon 
William Henry Margetson and his deligtsome ladies.
William Henry Margetson and his deligtsome ladies.

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