Magazine Lifestyle
Early 80's Yamaha XJ400 "Dirt Black" Another simple but beauty and effective special by Aniba Motorcycles Milan, Italy
Simple and sweet: modified sub frame; new custom seat; custom aluminium front fender; cut stock front fender used as rear fender; shortened and repainted stock exhausts; modified Honda NX650 handlebar; raw metal and matt black repainted stock tank; black powder coated details; TKC80 tires.
Semplice e deliziosa: telaio sottosella modificato; nuova sella artiginale; parafango anteriore custom in alluminio; parafango anteriore di serie tagliato e usato per il posteriore; scarichi di serie accorciati e riverniciati; manubrio di derivazione Honda Dominator: serbatoio nero opaco con “guance” lasciate al crudo; dettagli verniciati a polvere nero opaco; pneu TKC80.
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