
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!

Creato il 25 giugno 2013 da Fedric @Federicacristi2
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!
Buongiorno a tutti!!!:)
Stamani vi voglio presentare un giovane Fashion illustrator di nome YIUNAM LEUNG!!
Yiunam Leung è un freelance fashion illustrator nato ad Hong Kong e adesso residente a Londra.
Yiunam ha preso parte a un book, dedicato ai più importanti fashion designer, ai fotografi e agli artisti del momento.
Il lavoro di questo giovane artista è unico e molte volte lascia libero spazio all'immaginazione dell'osservatore.
Si possono trovare ritratti, illustrazioni per elle riviste importanti, per alcuni gioielli e molto altro ancora.
Un giovane artista da tenere d'occhio, non solo per la sua bravura, ma anche per l'originalità che caratterizza le sue creazioni.
Fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate, sono curiosa di leggere i vostri commenti!!:)
Un bacio a tutti e buona giornata!!:)
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!
Hello everyone! :)
This morning I want to present a young fashion illustrator named YIUNAM LEUNG!!
Yiunam Leung is a freelance fashion illustrator born in Hong Kong and now lives in London.
Yiunam took part in a book dedicated to the most important fashion designers, photographers, and artists of the moment.
The work of this young artist is unique and often frees the imagination of the observer.
You can find portraits, illustrations for magazines elle important, for some jewelry and much more.
A young artist to watch, not only for his skill, but also for the originality that characterizes his creations.
Let me know what you think, I'm curious to read your comments! :)
A kiss to all and good day! :)


YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!
YIUNAM LEUNG- Fashion illustration!!

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