Magazine Lifestyle
I love to have different points of view while visiting a city, since the Spree runs across Berlin we think it could be nice to take a look by the water. We made 3 hours tour along the Spree and Kreuzeberg Canal from 7 to 10 pm and I have to say, it was really worth! Informations here.
Some b/w shots of people relaxing along the canal in Kreuzeberg
Bridges of Berlin!! Talking about bridges in this city could be strange but actually it's not at all. Along canals there are many and I have to say quite beautiful!
Game of lights in colors......
....and in b/w!
Abbiamo lasciato la città in questo modo, guardandola dall'acqua. A piedi, in bici o con un giro in battello Berlino è una continua scoperta. Un posto da vivere. Mi ero già infatuata di questa città vedendo "Goodbye Lenin", uno dei miei film preferiti. Anche se si vede una Berlino diversa da ora, c'è molto della sua autenticità!
We left Berlin in this way....looking at her by the river. Walking, biking or cruising is always a new discover. An amazing place to live. I already love Berlin watching the movie "Goodbye Lenin". Even if that city is a different version from now, there's her authenticity!
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