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A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

Da Madhouse @serenamadhouse
A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my gardenOggi sembra il racconto di  una domenica lontana perchè il cielo è di nuovo grigio e la pioggia è vicina, ma questa è la fotocronaca del 10 maggio, una domenica di sole, la festa della mia cugina più piccola. E' stata un'occasione per trascorrere un po' di tempo con le mie cugine, parenti e compaesani, in un posto tranquillo vicino ad un piccolo lago, con tanti animali: cigni neri, fagiani, pavoni, oche, anatre mute, galline e tanti galli (galletti neri, detti "livornesi", per la precisione!).Povero il mio Marco che si è trovato circondato da pisani di campagna! Però lui ha fatto subito amicizia! Abbiamo mangiato bene e la torta era straordinaria, per davvero! ne avessi ora una bella fetta...gnam!
Today seems a Sunday away because the sky is gray again and the rain is near, but this is the photo chronicle of 10 May, a sunny Sunday, the feast of my smaller cousin. It 'was an opportunity to spend some' quality time with my cousins, relatives and neighbors, in a quiet place near a small lake, with lots of animals: blacks swans, pheasants, peacocks, geese, Muscovy ducks, hens and many roosters (cockerels blacks, said "Livorno", to be precise!).My poor Marco who found himself surrounded by Pisan country! But he made friends right away! We ate well and the cake was amazing, really
A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my gardenA Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden
A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden
A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

Mad accecata dal sole e coi piedi tagliati, GRAZIE MAMMA!

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden
Per questa occasione ho indossato un abito a pois blu, di H&M, anche Francesca ha scelto un abito a pois, il suo però era nero e posso dire che noi pronipoti del Folci siamo proprio ragazze in gamba!!!I miei accessori erano la borsa di mia nonna che io amo di più. E che potete vedere anche in questo vecchio POST.  Questo è vero vintage, risale agli anni'40 ed è ancora attuale e perfetta! Poi scarpe clocharme, che vedremo dopo...La cosa fastidiosa è che quando sono insieme i miei parenti fumano così tanto, uffa! ;(((
For this occasion, I wore a blue polka dot dress, H & M, Francesca also chose a dress with polka dots, but his was black and I can say that our great-grandchildren of Folci we own Smart Girls !!!My accessories were the bag of my grandmother that I love most. This is true vintage, dating back to the 40s and is still relevant and perfect! Then clocharme shoes, after that we will see ...The annoying thing is that when I'm with my family so much smoke, Ugh!

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

Paolo, Francesca e me..

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

col mio babbo 

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

Tra tutti gli animali presenti, indovinate quali sono i miei preferiti!Among all the animals, guess what my favorite!
A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

E finalmente lo spettacolo che stavamo aspettando, la ruota del pavone, che è proprio come fare un viaggio in India..And finally the show we were waiting, the peacock's tail, which is just like traveling to India ..
A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden
 Ma anche questa lucertola è bellissima e simpatica, vero?
But this lizard is beautiful and nice, right?

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

Gellesi+ Marco sul laghetto ;)-

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden
E poi, passando per piccolo pezzo di campagna pisana  ancora salva dal degrado del cemento e dei capannoni industriali torniamo verso casa.Grazie Silvia!And then, through small piece of countryside near Pisa still saves from decay of concrete and industrial buildings, we return home.Thanks Silvia!
A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

Bientina (PI)

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

IL SOTTO_POST (in my garden)
A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden
Cenerino presenta... le mie nuove Clocharme! Evviva il Made in Italy!Cenerino presents ... my new Clocharme! Long live the Made in Italy!
A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden

A Sunday on the small lake and ... Two clocharme in my garden
And once again (for your luck) came the end. Until next time!;***

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