Magazine Decorazione
Nei momenti migliori gli amici di sempre non possono mancare, senza il loro parere sarei persa...e soprattutto... senza il tintinnio delle forchette e il suono delle risate!C'è qualcosa di più bello che trovarsi attorno a un tavolo?
Buona giornataSi
Theme: "Ricetta di donna" - O. Vanoni
Every now and press on the accelerator of life is good!And this year for me started at full throttle!A new publishing project as ambitious as galvanizing fell through, now I will work hard to create a totally new thing that I see as a lifestylist creative!Girls can not wait to give physical form to the first ideas!And in the meantime we celebrate with a friend for this beautiful and important news!And so here's the chestnut gnocchi with a variant, and a good bottle of wine in front of the fireplace, laughter, good food and old friends to share this beautiful moment.In moments the best friends ever can not miss, I would be lost without their opinion ...and especially ... without the clink of forks and the sound of laughter!Is there anything more beautiful than to be around a table?Have a goog daySi
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