This restaurant is located inside the Hotel Ercolini Savi, a really impressive place, and of the past; the dishes of the restaurant instead meet the contemporary taste, Italian, Mediterranean, European. extremely attentive service, generous portions .. Recommended!-

In ordine, siamo stati.. venerdì cena tipica toscana al Casorino. sabato cena di beneficienza in un luogo molto paesano, dove ha trionfato la pizza. Domenica dopo il lindy hop presso l'Antico Caffé delle Mura, cenetta in un ristorante bavarese... Fame e noia alla larga! E ora DEVO ASSOLUTAMENTE DIMAGRIRE e rimettermi in forma!- This weekend was very Edible Edible. The excuse to see old friends, a charity dinner, hunger after a stage of Lindy Hop and then the anniversary .. In short, the important thing is to eat!
In order, we were .. Friday Tuscan dinner at Casorino. Saturday charity dinner in a very rural location, where he triumphed pizza. Sunday after lindy hop at the Antico Caffé delle Mura, dinner in a Bavarian restaurant ... Hunger and boredom away! And now I HAVE ABSOLUTELY LOSE WEIGHT and get in shape!

the next one!