lasciato tutti senza parole- perchè era vietato. Tutti gli altri stand erano li per vendere abiti e accessori, talvolta anche molto brutti, o altri ancora che invece esponevano merce datata, ma si trattava comunque di capi normalissimi che potremmo reperire anche in altre situazioni, non avevano (come io invece speravo) tagli o caratteristiche che rimandavano automaticamente al periodo storico in cui sono stati realizzati..erano semplicemente vecchi. Tanti tuttavia erano bellissimi, così come anche alcune borse di Chanel e Celine e altre scarpe. Tutto ciò che mi è piaciuto di più è qua sotto :)
Buona giornata girls!
This time, waiting for finishing to write the next post (that you will love really much, some key words: fashion week, showroom, shoes shoes shoes), here one about a vintage clothing exhibition seen the last year in Palazzo delle Stelline and reserved to buyer, fashion world worker and fashion students. In the title of this post you can see a question mark because only a very little area was seriously dedicated to vintage, and unfortunately I haven't pictures to show you -poor you, there were a speechless cape by Hermes- because it was prohibited. In the other stands there were normal cloths you could buy everywhere or others that showed old cloths, but nothing special because they hadn't cuts or other characteristics that could remind me to the historical period they were designed...the were simply old. Anyway there were lots of beautiful dresses, blazer, skirts, shoes and also Chanel and Celine bags. Everything I liked is here :)
Have a nice day girls!