my daughter and i have been going to the pool since october. this is what happened: she was afraid of the water and i was afraid that she'd never learn to swim enough to be safe near it. in order to convince her to take swim lessons, we made a deal: i'd taken them too. i didn't really want to because i'm not a lover of sports, but i did recognize that my technique was not exactly tip top. at first i found it really hard to go and i disliked going (even if i felt great afterwards), but the promise had to be kept. and now i love it! i keep getting stronger (and thinner!) and better. i can even do a few lengths of freestyle... well, with a bit of a break between lengths, but hey, before i couldn't even do three strokes straight of it, so i think that's quite an improvement.
l'unica cosa che non mi piace è l'abbigliamento obbligatorio della nostra piscina: costume e ciabatte comprate da loro, ovviamente. loro spiegavano che era per una questione di immagine seria, cosa che mi sembra poco probabile, visto che nessuno può entrare in piscina tranne chi fa lezione in quel momento e il personale, e comunque quello che si vede di più di chi sta in acqua sono le cuffie e gli occhialini... tutti diversi. ovviamente volevano fare qualche soldo in più con queste vendite. pazienza... ma non sopporto la monotonia, si scambiano facilmente le ciabatte tra nuotatori e c'è anche una tendenza di avere le stesse accappatoi. quindi per prima ho deciso di sistemare la question accappatoio uguali a mille altri facendo la tintura a nodi. prima era così:
the only think i don't like is the pool's obligatory gear: bathing suit and sandals, bought from them, of course. they explained that it's to create a serious image for the structure, which seems pretty improbable to me, seeing as no one can go into the pool area except those having their lessons at that moment and the personnel, and in any case all you can see of the people in the water are their swim caps and goggles... which are all different. i guess they just wanted to make some more money with these sales. oh well... but i really hate the monotony, swimmers often mistake their pool shoes for others', and there's also the tendency to have the same bathrobes. so first of all i decided to do something about the anonymous bathrobe that was the same as hundreds of others with a little tie-dying. before it looked like this:

noioso, vero? l'ho piegato e fissato con gli elastici recuperati dalle fasce di verdure il meglio possibile...
boring, right? i folded it up and wrapped elastics saved from our veggies around it as best as possible...

...e dopo un ciclo in lavatrice con la tintura verde petrolio e una scatola di sale grosso (e un altro ciclo con altri capi scuri per togliere residui di colore), ho avuto questo risultato:
...and after a washing cycle with green dye (in italian, "petroleum green," ugh!) and a box of coarse salt (and another cycle with darks to get rid of any dye residue), i came out with this:

non perfetto, ma non era neanche facile con un tessuto così doppio e grande e, considerando che fosse la mia prima esperienza con sia la tintura che la tintura a nodi, mi sento piuttosto soddisfatta. e soprattutto, ora il mio accappatoio è assolutamente unico e nessuno lo scambia per il suo!
not perfect, but it wasn't easy with such a big, thick piece of fabric and, considering that it was my first experience with both dyeing and die-dying, i'd say i'm pretty happy with it. and best of all, my bathrobe is now totally unique and nobody gets it confused with theirs!
ho anche altri progetti fatti per la piscina, ma per ora lascio così perché per la prima volta sto usando l'html per le immagini del post che stanno nel mio account di flickr. è una prova, quindi il prossimo post sarà più lungo! anche voi usate flickr? come vi trovate? io lo trovo poco chiaro e tutto un po' lungo, ma vediamo come procede.
i've done other projects for the pool, too, but for now i'm leaving this post like this because for the first time i'm using html for the post images that are in my flickr account. i'm testing it out, so the next post will be longer! do any of you use flickr? what do you think about it? i find it very confusing and the process a bit long, but we'll see how it goes.