Consigli seri. Ecco cos'è l'Advice Week.
Sometimes, it happens that we (as women) needs advices. Serious ones, not that ones given only to keep you quiet.
Useful advices, so i introduce you the Advice Week.
One post per day with a topic. The first one, obviously, will be "How to survive to Christmas!" Obviously again, i will not be the only one to write, unfortunately i'm not a Know-it-all yet, why are you laughing? There will be different women, not only blogger. Well...admit it, it's great.
E' possibile che ci siano più post al giorno. Non è ancora sicuro. E' possibile che ci sarà un giveaway, ma io non ho detto niente.
It will be possible having different post per day, but it's not sure. It will be possible that we will have a giveaway, but i didn't say anything.
La settimana prossima, quindi, sarà Advice Week. Avremo make up, fashion, unghie, consigli di stile, manuali per la sopravvivenza di ragazze completamente diverse. Avremo di tutto. Vuoi partecipare? C'è ancora posto!!
Next week it's Advice Week! You will read about make up, fashion, nails, diy, style advice and much more. Do you want to be part of this? Write me!! Che ne dite? Curiose? Vorreste leggere qualcosa in particolare?
What do you say? Are you curious?!