Magazine Lifestyle

Agent Provocateur ♥ BAHAMA MAMA

Creato il 04 dicembre 2012 da Simonavenus @SimonaVenus
Agent Provocateur ♥  BAHAMA MAMA
December 3 Milan (Italy) Agent Provocateur
,sexy and explosive Lingerie  Brand ,loved by the ladies celebrates, through an event with Strawberries and Champagne (Moet of course), the perfect union with the Beauty concept store, made in Milan,  BAHAMA MAMA.These photos are only a small taste, you will find photos and article about the event on:

3 Dicembre Milano(Italy) Agent Provocateur ,sexy e prorompente Brand di Lingerie amato dalle donne celebra, attraverso un evento tra Fragole e Champagne (rigorosamente Moet),  l’unione perfetta con il Beaty concept store Milanese BAHAMA MAMA.Queste foto non sono che un piccolo assaggio, troverete foto e articolo  dell’evento su :

Agent Provocateur ♥  BAHAMA MAMA
Agent Provocateur ♥  BAHAMA MAMA

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