Magazine Arte
FROM THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF AGOSTINO IACURCI: Born in Foggia in 1986, he lives and works in Rome where he studied Illustration and Animation at Officina B5, Academy of Illustration and Printmaking at the Academy of Fine Arts, Rome. His work is varied, from illustration to murals, from printmaking to scenography. As an illustrator he collaborates with local and international publishers, advertising agencies, companies, magazines and animation studios. Since 2008, he has made huge murals in public spaces, working for example for Roma 3 University and Prenestina Hospital in Rome. He has created a mural of over 300 meters for Saba School in Algeria and two huge murals in the yard of the “maximum security” zone of Rebibbia prison. Since 2010 he has been an assistant professor at Ied, European Institute of Design and collaborates as a lecturer in illustration at Officina B5. In 2010 he was selected for the illustrator’s exhibition of Bologna Children's Book Fair. His work has been presented at several exhibitions and festivals in Italy, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and the United States.
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