AIMP: free audio player

Creato il 10 luglio 2012 da Mocoworld @mocoworld

AIMP: free audio player

Stanco di usare programmi macchinosi per ascoltare la tua musica? Programmi come Itunes, Windows media Player o anche Winamp? vuoi un programmino che richiama un pò la grafica di Winamp ma più leggero e che ti permette di fare tutto?

Ecco a voi AIMP3.

AIMP è un player audio leggero sviluppato da un programmatore russo che riproduce la maggior parte dei formati audio conosciuti presente la localizzazione italiana nel programma installabile anche in versione portable.

AIMP: free audio player

Le sue principali caratteristiche sono:

  • Multiformat Playback:
    .CDA, .AAC, .AC3, .APE, .DTS, .FLAC, .IT, .MIDI, .MO3, .MOD, .M4A, .M4B, .MP1, .MP2, .MP3,
    .MPC, .MTM, .OFR, .OGG, .RMI, .S3M, .SPX, .TAK, .TTA, .UMX, .WAV, .WMA, .WV, .XM
  • Output supports
    DirectSound / ASIO / WASAPI
  • 18-band equalizer and built-in sound effects
    Reverb, Flanger, Chorus, Pitch, Tempo, Echo, Speed, Bass, Enhancer, Voice Remover
  • 32-bit audio processing
    For the best quality!
  • Work with multiple playlists
    While one plays – you work with another
  • Great functionality and user-friendly interface
  • Creating bookmarks and playback queue
  • CUE Sheets supports
  • Support for plugins
    You can add new utils or extend already existing
  • LastFM Scrobbler
  • Multi-user mode support
    Are several users working with one computer? This is no problem!
  • Multilanguage interface
  • Hotkeys
    Configure local and global hotkeys as you wish!
  • Files search
    Search files on all opened playlists
  • Flexible programm options

Playlists - Audio Converter - Tag Editor - Audio Library - Internet radio - CoverArt Downloader - Simple Scheduler.

Per tutte le informazioni vi rimando al sito dove potete scaricare l’ultima versione uscita oggi.


- Fixed: File is moved from the source folder to another one instead of copied when dragging the file from the playlist
- Fixed: Player used to jump over one track after deleting file from the playlist
- Fixed: Incompatibility with Synaptics TouchPad
- Fixed: Incremental search does not work in the bookmarks popup window
- Fixed: AIMP rewrites information about the integration to Windows Registry on applying settings
- Fixed: The exception “Cannot open the file” occurs on multithreading encoding from a file in the WavPack format (+ CUE)
- Fixed: Audio Library ignores the number of playbacks for each file when it generates report about the favourite audio files
- Fixed: Memory leak occurs when working with the MP3 Encoder
- Fixed: Small bugs and defects

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