Magazine Cultura
Winner of the Golden Guitar 2007 for “Best recording of the Year”.
“When the great mystic and musician wrote his epicedium, the guitar was revealed in a light which had till remained hidden, becoming fully invested with the highest of its powers: that of evoking, through its exclusive sound, the sentiment of the unknown which dominates us, the giddiness which overcomes us as we approach the boundaries of the noche oscura”. So reads just part of the opening sentence in Angelo Gilardino’s eulogy to one item on this superbly recorded CD from the prodigiously talented Alberto Mesirca. [...] The individual we should really be getting excited about is Alberto Mesirca, whose compelling account of this often highly spiritual programme gives not the slightest indication that the performer has yet to pass his quarter century. Even in the well-worn terrain of Falla, he achieves a feeling of soft-focus fluidity that the work always seems to crave but only occasionally finds. Likewise in the currently ubiquitous Mompou, Mesirca’s hypnotic accounts of the slow central movements commanding the attention to an extent that one almost regrets the arrival of the final Muneira. [...] This, together with Gilardino’s own extended and imaginative pair of homages, concludes one of the most original and rewarding debut releases to reach me for some considerable time.
Paul Fowles, Classical Guitar Magazine.
2) “A unique expression of emotional depth”.
Ikonostas and Annunciazione World premiere recordings
What strikes me, besides the superb playing, is the choice of the program. 20th Century mysticism. No cheap schlagers, no easy listening war-horses, but the personal search of a young man for the hidden side of guitar music, that which nourishes the soul, without relying on a dogmatic exhortation of religiousity. [...] a unique expression of emotional depth. I was touched. The last two items are the cap on this glorious recording. Hearing these two pieces played so convincingly, by a mature and powerful 22-year-old master, I am strengthened in my assurance that what I do, what Angelo is doing, has a purpose.
Matanya Ophee, Livejournal.
3) „Seine Bravour ordne er der poetischen Essenz des Klanges unter“.
Seine Bravour ordne er der poetischen Essenz des Klanges unter. Kein Effekthascher, sondern ein sensibler, gedankenvoller, auch an bildender Kunst und Literatur interessierter Musiker. [...] Klangschön, rein, unangestrengt, klar musizierte er, besonders eindrucksvoll im zweiten Konzertteil, wo er etwa einer „teuflischen“ Paganini-Hommage von Mario Castelnuovo Tedesco eine nie bloß äußerliche Charakteristik zwischen Poesie und Nachdruck gab.
Georg Pepl, HNA.
4)Alberto Mesirca glänzte durch sein sensibles Gitarrenspiel.
Georg Pepl, HNA.
5) „Das leichte und virtuose Spiel des Solisten“.
Zu Anfang beeindruckte Alberto Mesirca mit seinem leidenschaftlichen Gitarrenspiel in einem Konzert von Joaquin Rodrigo. Bereits nach einigen Minuten wurde man in die Welt der spanischen Musik mit ihren Harmonien und Rhythmen versetzt, nicht zuletzt durch das leichte und virtuose Spiel des Solisten. Auch die musikalische Leistung der Streicher honorierte das Publikum mit Bravo-Rufen.
Kristina Michel.
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