Magazine Lifestyle

Angel Sanchez__ Architect of fashion

Creato il 24 novembre 2012 da Bowofmoon @GraziaVentrella
Angel Sanchez__ Architetto della moda
Angel Sanchez__ Architect of fashion
Potrei definire Angel Sanchez il vero binomio tra moda ed architettura. La sua formazione giovanile è legata a studi tecnici da architetto ma ora egli è ancor più rinomato come stilista.
Le sue collezioni hanno un carattere deciso e riconoscibile con particolari dettagli di trame e richiami geometrici, linee sobrie e forme generalmente semplici - salvo alcune eccezioni. Guardando il video della sua ultima sfilata (potrete vederlo più in basso nel post), sono rimasta affascinata da  colletti bicolore, magnifiche trasparenze (anche in pizzo) e inserti nei vestiti di cubi apparentemente tridimensionali.
Voi cosa ne pensate? Quali sono i capi che vi hanno colpito di più?
Vi lascio alla visione di ciò che mi ha maggiormente colpito e del video della sfilata.

I could define Angel Sanchez the true union between fashion and architecture. His early training is related to technical studies as an architect but now he is even more well-known as a stylist.

Her collections have a strong character and it's recognizable by special details of drilled textures and geometric references, clean lines and generally simple shapes - with some exceptions. Watching the video of his last show (you can see further down in the post), I was fascinated by the bicolored collar, magnificent transparency (including lace) and inserts in the clothes of apparently three-dimensional cubes. What do you think it? What are the clothes that have most impressed you? I leave you to the vision of what struck me and the video of the fashion show.

Angel Sanchez__ Architect of fashion
Angel Sanchez__ Architect of fashion
Angel Sanchez__ Architect of fashion
Angel Sanchez__ Architect of fashion
Angel Sanchez__ Architect of fashion
Angel Sanchez__ Architect of fashion
Angel Sanchez__ Architect of fashion
Angel Sanchez__ Architect of fashion
Angel Sanchez__ Architect of fashion
Angel Sanchez__ Architect of fashion
Angel Sanchez__ Architect of fashion
Angel Sanchez__ Architect of fashion
Angel Sanchez__ Architect of fashion
Angel Sanchez__ Architect of fashion 
Angel Sanchez__ Architect of fashion
Angel Sanchez__ Architect of fashion

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