One of our favorite cake..a classic apple pie..
100 gr of butter
700 gr of apple
2 eggs
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
200 gr of flour
200 ml of milk
16 gr of baking powder
3 gr of vanilla powder
150 gr of sugar
lemon peel
- Miscelare uova e zucchero
- unire il burro, precedente sciolto a bagnomaria
- Unire a mano a mano, la scorza del limone, la cannella, il latte, la bustina da lievito, la vanillina, un pizzico di sale ed infine la farina..... mescolare bene....
- mix eggs with sugar
- add the melted butter
- add the lemon peel, the cinnamon, the milk, the baking powder, the vanilla, a bit of salt and finally the flour... mix well..
add the apple
put the dough in a 24 cm baking tin. sprinkle it all with cane sugar and the cinnamon
it's perfect with the ice cream ;-)