As every year, grab the best swimsuit that enhances the body is the challenge of every woman, diet, gym, eastern disciplines etc. offer the opportunity to flaunt a toned body even better if wrapped by a bikini fashion. And if the year has been so difficult to leave out the time for yourself there are swimsuit that correct defects hiding few extra pounds.The beachwear reflects fashion trends: like last year floral prints that have held the clothes bloom on bikini, the botanical species violent hues are also the protagonists of this summer with raids at times in the 70s.
Miss Bikini
Tra i nuovi protagonisti della spiaggia il reggiseno a fascia adatto a chi ha forme poco abbondanti e la culotte a vita alta strategica per chi ha fianchi mediterranei.Tra sfumature iridescenti dalle profondità marine spiccano colori brillanti come il giallo difficilissimo da indossare se non hai una carnagione ambrata.
Among the new protagonists on the beach bandeau suited to those scanty forms and high-waisted shorts strategic for those mediterranean hips.Among iridescent hues stand out from the depths bright colors such as yellow difficult to wear unless you have a complexion amber.
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Il classico costume intero si arricchisce di dettagli sporty come le cerniere e romantici come il pizzo per illuminarsi nei tessuti metallici perfetti anche per cocktails sulla spiaggia.
The classic one-piece swimsuit is enriched with sporty details such as hinges and romantics such as lace to light in metallic fabrics perfect for cocktails on the beach also.
Burberry Prorsum
Infine un must è lo stile navy perfetto sia in versione più classica che contemporanea adatta ad una personalità che non rinuncia ad esaltare la propria eleganza.
Finally, a must is the perfect navy style in both versions: classic and contemporary suited to a person who does not renounce to enhance own elegance.
Tommy Hilfiger
La Perla
Se volete arricchire il vostro look da spiaggia consiglio un macro accessorio, orfano raccomando, perché la regola è less is more e troppi bijoux in spiaggia non sono mai sinonimo di eleganza, da ricordare che il buon gusto è global!
If you want to enrich your beach look i recommend a macro accessory, absolutely orphaned it because the rule is less is more and too many jewels on the beach are never synonymous with elegance, to remember that good taste is global!