Hi guys, have a great Sunday!Finally I can update my blog. In these days I was very busy and I couldn't be able to do that.Get ready because from tomorrow I'll show you a lot of pictures about collections, items and events I attended, but today, since it's Sunday, we need some relax!Do you remember when I show you in this post Jambes Divines ("Divine Legs"), more than a tinted body lotion which makes your legs beautiful?Well, a few days ago I had a big and wonderful surprise: Caudalie gave me the rest of the products of "The Collection Divine".Oltre a Jambes Divines, La Collection Divine de Caudalie si compone di Gommage Divin, Huile Divine e Bougie Divine.
In addition to Divine Legs, "The Divine Collection of Caudalie" includes Divine Scrub, Divine Oil and Divine Candle.- Gommage Divin: è uno scrub corpo ai cristalli di zucchero di canna e 4 oli vegetali (uva, argan, ibisco e sesamo) che rende la pelle morbidissima e delicatamente profumata;- Divine Scrub: it's a body scrub with brown sugar crystals and 4 vegetable oils (grape, argan, sesame and hibiscus) that makes skin soft and delicately scented;
- Huile Divine: è un olio secco che idrata, nutre e ammorbidisce la pelle grazie alla combinazione unica di oli eccezionali (uva, hibiscus, sesamo, argan) e le polifenoli antiossidanti brevettati da Caudalie. Inoltre con Huile Divine sostieni l'associazione "Cœur de Fôret", che provvede a piantare alberi in Amazzonia;- Divine Oil: it's a dry oil that moisturizes, nourishes and softens skin thanks to the unique combination of exceptional oils (grape, hibiscus, sesame, argan) and antioxidant polyphenols patented by Caudalie. Morever with Divine Oil you sustains the association "Cœur de Fôret", which plants trees in Amazonia;
- Bougie Divine: una candela per ambienti dalle note floreali e legnose che rilascia nella stanza un'aura sensuale e piacevole. Anche da spenta ha un odore divino.- Divine Candle: a candle for your house with floral and woody fragrances that releases a sensual and pleasant aura inside the room. Even when it's turned off, has a divine scent.
Se volete, potete acquistare Gommage Divin, Huile Divine e Bougie Divine anche online.If you like, you can buy Divine Scrub, Divine Oil and Divine Candle also online.
La Collection Divine de Caudalie
Ringrazio ancora Caudalie Paris per questa coccola... adesso la mia estate sarà davvero divina!Thanks so much to Caudalie Paris for those gifts... now my summer time will be really divine!To stay updated on all my blog posts, follow In Moda Veritas also on:Facebook | Twitter | Bloglovin' | Instagram (@gretamiliani)