A little 'business (music) a little' because sometimes escape from the everyday is good, the morning after Easter Monday we started towards Umbria.First stop Passignano. Here over the lake that reminded me of a trip with my parents many years ago (destination Assisi), there is a medieval fortress and a small but picturesque village, ah ... there are also a lot 'of restaurants!

This small town reminds me of old movies with Barbara Steele, I salute while Lake Trasimeno clouds are increasingly attractive, looking seems a sea and in fact the prince Trasimeno, as legend has learned in elementary school, he was the son of the Tyrrhenian Sea!

Ecco qui siamo a Perugia! la prima volta che vedo questa città; Curzio Malaparte nel suo libro "Maledetti Toscani"dice che Perugia è la sola città amica del popolo toscano, per temperamento siamo affini anche se spesso ci siamo fatti la guerra nei tempi antichi, ma sempre con "rispetto". Questo lo racconta Malaparte in quel suo bellissimo libro (tanto bello che il mio babbo me lo ha preso per leggerlo lui, io mi sono consolata con "Il vagabondo delle stelle" di Jack London).
Per la verità il "benvenuta" a Perugia l'ho ricevuto da una casa tristemente famosa. L'ho riconosciuta all'istante e io ho avuto voglia di andare lontano da vicende così squallide.
Noi non abbiamo avuto tempo per visitare la città, solo un giro notturno e una cena in un pub vicino al Pozzo Etrusco, molto suggestivo e poi ci siamo riposati nel "bed&breakfast" perso nel silenzio delle colline verdi intorno a Perugia.
Here we are in Perugia! the first time I see this city; Curzio Malaparte in his book "Cursed Tuscans" says Perugia is the only friendly city of the Tuscan people, by temperament are similar although often we made the war in ancient times, but always with "respect". This tells it Malaparte in that his wonderful book (so beautiful that my father I took him to read it to him, I have consoled with "The Star Rover" by Jack London).
In truth, the "welcome" in Perugia I received from a house infamous. I recognized instantly, and I wanted to go away from the events so dingy.
We did not have time to visit the city, just a night tour and dinner at a pub near the Etruscan Well, very impressive and then we rested in the "bed & breakfast" lost in the silence of the green hills around Perugia.

"C'era una volta" il bed&breakfast più tranquillo e difficile da trovare in cui io sia stata...

In the morning we can finally visit with calm the city: we are officially on vacation!But first we had breakfast in the company of a couple of Californians, very funny people, they surprised us with a perfect Italian, learned from watching the show "Don Matteo" in Italian with English subtitles, and they confessed to not go to Gubbio fear of being involved in a crime. We we explained that in reality Gubbio is a very quiet place but they were still impressed by the "terrible" Naples-Reggio Calabria.

The Etruscan Arch is impressive and yet moved by the whole history that wears with such elegance and simplicity, was built in the second half of the III. C. and it restored by Emperor Augustus in 40 a. C.And we little humans we are so complicated

L'Università per stranieri di Perugia

Fontana Maggiore progettata da Niccola e Giovanni Pisano

Montagne dai profili dolci non aguzzi come le nostre Apuane o gli Appennini..
It's cold! we are surrounded by snowcapped mountains ..
Mountains profiles sweet not sharp like our Apuan or the Apennines ..

In tutto questo raccontare non vi ho ancora detto che Perugia per me è stata molto faticosa ma ai miei muscoli ha fatto molto bene!Per fortuna che esistono anche le scale mobili!Questa invenzione ci permette di visitare una parte di Perugia davvero "underground...
I said that I have not yet Perugia for me it was very tiring but you have my muscles did very well!Fortunately, there are also the escalators!This invention allows us to visit a part of Perugia really "underground ...

It was built between 1540 and 1543 by Pope Paul III and represented, until 1860, the symbol of papal power on the ancient city. The building, designed by Antonio da Sangallo the Younger, was built on what were the houses of the Baglioni, following their revolt against the pope, and occupied a large part of the south of Perugia. For its construction were used materials from the ancient village of Santa Giuliana, demolished in full with its churches and convents, while the houses, streets, towers and courtyards that fall within the scope of the new building were incorporated and covered with mighty times, constituting the basement

E poi...Salutiamo Perugia!And then ...We salute Perugia!

The penultimate stage of our short trip is Castiglione sul Trasimeno.Again the old legend of the lake, to a new castle to visit between ravens and lizards ..And then the frivolities.Shopping in Valdichiana and want to go home!

e finalmente...-THE END-