Magazine Decorazione
good morning friends from the web... finally after almost 2 month of silence I find the time to update this space... it has been a quite intensive period, and a lot of important events happened... but to make the story short, after 3 weeks between bed and sofa, and a week at the hospital, my 2 little stars decided they wanted to be delivered earlier, and so at 32 weeks, the 19 of April, the day before Easter they arrived! =)
E' stata una giornata strana ed emozionante, e così mentre tutti aprivano l'uovo di cioccolato io aprivo con moltissima sorpresa il mio uovo meraviglioso con le due sorprese più belle del modo!!!
Essendo nate tanto prima le stelline sono state ricoverate in TIN, ma fortunatamente sono state bene da subito, erano, e sono ancora in realtà, solo mooolto piccine e quindi abbiamo dovuto aspettare che raggiungessero le 36 settimane e superassero i 2 chili per portarcele a finalmente da martedì scorso, dopo i 24 giorni più lunghi della mia vita, siamo tutti a casa: la nostra nuova meravigliosa famiglia:
It has been a quite strange moving day, and so while everyone was opening the Easter chocolate egg, I was opening a very special egg with the most 2 beautiful surprise I could ever wish! =)
Since they were so prem, and small, they have been at the hospital, in the intensive therapy for ages, but lucky they were strong and sane since the very beginning, just very small, so they had to stay there until they reached the 36 week, and more than 2 kilos... but finally since last week, after the 24 days most long of my all life, we are all at home: our wonderful new family:
Carlo, io Nicola ed Elisa!
Carlo, me Nicola and Elisa!...adesso siamo tutti a casa e stiamo tutti cercando di abiuarci ai nuovi ritmi, alla nuova vita, e ai grandi cambiamenti... siamo stanchissimi... ma molto molto felici! =)Tra una poppata e l'altra, un cambio di pannolini ed un bagnetto, spero proprio di avere il tempo anche di aggiornare questo mio adorato blog... ma sono certa mi perdonerete se l'assiduità non sarà la stessa di prima! ;)a prestissimo spero amiche!!! grazie della visita... e grazie a tutte voi che in questi mesi di silenzio mi siete state vicine con mail, messaggi e dolci pensieri!!!!
...and now we are all trying to get used to the new rithm, and new life... and to the great changes of all our life... we re very tired, but really really happy! =)
between a milk feed and the other, between a diaper change and a bath, I really hope to get updated my blog, and you'll forgive me, I am sure, if the frequency will not be exactly the same as before! =)
So I hope to be back very very soon, thanks for passing by, and a huge thanks to all of you who cared for me in these months, sending me messages, mail and love, you really warmed up my heart! =)
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