I have a problem. No, actually I have a lot of problems, 'cause I have a bad temper. For many things, I'm old inside.Among all that thing that I can't stand, there's Christmas. I'm not speaking about the religious celebration, but what XMAS had provoked over the last years. There is something repetitive, hidden behind the false happiness that everyone seems to feel during that days.To make an example: red lingerie. Is it possible that every single year since I was born, underweare shops sell lap dancers lingerie? Who is that man, that brand management, that marketing genius who decide that during Christmas we all have to be so "naughty" and dirty?!People's taste has to be corrected, not made it worse.Today I went to Gigli, a mall near Florence, and I thought that there's no limit to catastroph.During Christmas and New Year's eve, lingerie's brands want us to be porn - stars.Let's start from something "soft":
Andiamo avanti per gradi.Let's go on by little steps.
Mi vergogno moltissimo a postare sta roba, ma è giusto che sappiate. Lo faccio per voi. Liberiamo il mondo da tutto ciò.I'm feeling really ashamed posting these stuff, but you have to know. I do it for you. Let's free the world from all these things.
Il peggio deve ancora arrivare.The worse has yet to come.Yamamay
Maschi uscite da questo blog!Men, get out of this blog!
Per cui: animalier, pizzo, raso (più spesso poliestere), piume, strass... se proprio non ne volete fare a meno, sceglietene uno solo (le piume no, vi prego!).Comunque non ho finito. Ora tocca agli uomini (so che non avete abbandonato questo blog :D). Se le donne diventano delle topolone sexy, gli uomini, devo capire ancora perchè, durante le feste di Natale vengono ridicolizzati dalla biancheria intima, che non lascia spazio ad alcuno sprazzo di serietà (immaginate la scena: donna, (s)vestita di pizzo e piume, si avvicina con fare felino all'uomo che, nell'atto di denudarsi, mostra con orgoglio la sua mutanda natalizia. Scusate se vi ho proposto questa scena):So: animalier, lace, satin (more often, polyester), feathers, strass... if you can't say no, please, choose just one of this (feathers no... please!!!)Anyway, I didn't finish. Now men, it's your turn (I know that you're still here :D). Women becomes sexy, ok, but I still have to catch the reason why, during XMAS holidays, underware makes fun of men.Intimissimi
Ci rivedimo a San Valentino con la seconda puntata.Ciao! ;)See you on St. Valentine's day for the second part!Bye! ;)Madame La Gruccia (con biancheria intima in microfibra) (with microfiber underwear)PS. Se vi piace La Gruccia e vi va di sostenerla per il contest di Grazia.it, potete votarla quotidianamente a questo link: http://blogger.grazia.it/blogger?ref=badge&id=84
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