Esce ufficialmente oggi Crypt Keeper, un dark fantasy – in lingua inglese – della scrittrice K.A. Young e Wonderful Monster è stato scelto tra i blog che hanno il piacere di presentarne l’uscita. Nel mio “stop” un ricchissimo bagaglio di notizie: innanzitutto conoscerete Molly Maddison (la protagonista), cresciuta nell’azienda di famiglia – Pompe Funebri – e dall’insolito dono di poter interagire con gli spiriti (anche se tutto ciò che vorrebbe è vivere una vita normale), potrete leggere un estratto del libro e la mia recensione, partecipare ad un fantastico Giveaway e – dulcis in fundo – essere parte di un Contest dove potrete diventare VOI uno dei personaggi dei prossimi libri della serie (e ciò vi darebbe ben più di un vantaggio). C’è tanta carne al fuoco, vero? Quindi vi lascio con questo luuuuuungo articolo. Enjoy!
Crypt Keeper (Molly Maddison Series #1) by K.A. Young
Publication Date: October 21, 2014
Genres: Dark Fantasy
Molly Maddison grew up in a funeral home that unfortunately backed up to the largest Insane Asylum in the state. Very few understand what happens after death, Molly does. While other children were playing in the park with their living friends, Molly was in the cemetery playing with the dead. To say she is troubled is an understatement.
Now Molly has a new plan, to attempt to lead a normal life, and ban the contact with any of the dead. Realizing that she is madly in love with one of them was never part of that plan. However neither life or death ever go as planned and Molly is called upon to perform her role as the family Crypt Keeper…
Is she up for the task? Only time will tell.
Molly non è una ragazza normale, qualsiasi sia il punto di vista da cui la si guarda. Innanzitutto è cresciuta in un’attività di Pompe Funebri e sa tutto su cosa succede dopo la morte, soprattutto perché vede gli spiriti, anzi, interagisce con loro da sempre e i suoi amici più cari, bé, sono morti. Ciò non toglie, però, che il suo desiderio sia quello di condurre una vita il più regolare possibile, eliminando questi contatti dalla sua quotidianità. Non aveva però calcolato di innamorarsi di uno di loro. Il ché complica notevolmente il suo intento.
La conosciamo mentre sta frequentando il College seguita dai due spiriti amici Jewels e Levi, che conosce fin dall’infanzia. Durante la sua permanenza conosce anche un misterioso ragazzo – vivo – che si chiama Damon Night, dal quale si sente stranamente attratta.
Allontanarsi dall’azienda di famiglia sembrava essere una buona idea ma quando tocca a lei ereditare il mestiere di Crypt Keeper si rende conto che gli amici morti che voleva lasciarsi alle spalle sono invece gli unici che possono aiutarla a mantenere tutto sotto controllo, capire quali sono le sue abilità e i suoi doveri.
Molly è una ragazza divertente, insolente e tosta, sa quello che vuole ma non sa cosa l’aspetta. Ha combattuto tutta la vita per cercare di avere un’esistenza ordinaria ma ora viene “chiamata alle armi” e con la sua ironia e sfrontatezza ha in mano tutte le qualità necessarie per farcela. Jewel è la sua migliore amica, estremamente onesta, fedele e divertente – nonostante sia morta. Levi è uno spirito che Molly conosce fin dall’infanzia, è un ragazzo tanto affascinante quanto oscuro, intenso e non è difficile capire come mai Molly ne sia attratta. Damon è un ragazzo misterioso – e vivo – che nasconde molti segreti e sono certa che nei prossimi libri sarà esplorato anche il suo background.
La scrittura è molto veloce, adrenalinica, senza inutili fronzoli. Una lettura divertente e avventurosa che esplora il mondo dei vivi e il mondo dei morti attraverso una protagonista degna di questo nome. Un romanzo consigliatissimo a chi ama i romanzi Paranormal ricchi d’azione, humor e romance.
Super consigliato!
Molly is not an ordinary girl, which is the point of view from you look at it. First, it is grown in a Funeral Home and knows all about what happens after death, especially because he sees spirits, indeed, always interacts with them and his closest friends, well, are dead. This does not mean, however, that she desire is to lead a life as smooth as possible, eliminating those contacts from his everyday life. He did not, however, calculated to fall in love with one of them. Which surely complicates this intent.
We know Molly as she attends the College followed by two spirits friends, Jewels and Levi. During this period she also knows a mysterious boy – alive – which is called Damon Night, and she feels strangely drawn to.
Move away from the family seemed like a good idea but when it’s her turn to inherit the job of Crypt Keeper, she realizes that dead friends, she he wanted to leave behind, are the only ones that can help her keep everything under control, helping her to understand what are her skills and duties.
Molly is a funny, sassy and strong, she knows what she wants but does not know what to expect. He fought all his life to try to have an ordinary life but is now “call to arms” and with his irony and boldness in her hand, has all the qualities needed to succeed. Jewel is her best friend, extremely honest, loyal and fun – despite being dead. Levi is a spirit that Molly knows from childhood, a boy as fascinating as dark, intense, and it is not difficult to understand why Molly is attracted by him. Damon is a mysterious boy – and alive – that hides many secrets and I am sure that in future books will be explored his background.
The writing is very fast, adrenaline, without unnecessary frills. Crypt Keeper is a short, fun read for anyone who loves paranormal with plenty of action, humour and romance.
Super recommended!
“Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere.” ~ Helen Gurley Brown
The alarm blaring on the bedside table woke me out of the dead of sleep. “Ugh,” I groaned, picking up a pillow and chucking it at what I hoped was the general direction of the annoying tones. When the alarm didn’t cease I surrendered, cracking open one eye to read the time. I went from drowsy to full-out panic mode when my mind registered eight thirty-five p.m.“Holy Mother of God!” Flinging the blankets off the bed I vaulted forward, only to find that my left leg was tangled in the bed sheet and I went down knee first onto a kitchen chair. “Idiot, stupid ass monkey piece of shit!” I shouted the instant the pain registered. Wrenching my leg free and shoving the chair aside I sat down on the floor and assessed my injuries. I’d have a nice bruise on my knee and shin, otherwise, nothing serious. Then I remembered I was working on curbing my need to use profanity every other word and snapped the rubber band on my wrist twice, wincing at yet another sting of pain. I’d been reading this self-help book recently that swore by this technique. The wristband bad habit treatment is designed to take you out of your own head and snap you back into reality. The wristband treatment will act as a reminder to those with habitual undesirable occurrences that they need to overcome their bad behaviors. I wasn’t convinced in the method; however, if I ever planned on working with children my potty mouth needed to go.
Standing to my feet, I picked up the chair and walked it back into the dining room where it belonged. I should know better by now. The furniture being moved around the house, the dishes in the bathtub and all my frozen foods set out on the counters to spoil was a common occurrence in my tiny apartment these days. He was mad at me again. They all were. I’d left him…er, them. No, I wasn’t going there. I didn’t move over one hundred miles away to dwell on the past. “Never look back, Molly. The past is a wilderness of horrors.” I quoted my favorite line from the movie The Wolfman. I did, however, replace Lawrence’s name with my own. I would have gone a lot farther if it wasn’t for my younger brother still living at home there. I was always available for him, mostly. All right, I’d been a shitty sister but my intentions were honorable. Thankfully he didn’t have the curse. It skipped him and I was glad.
Suddenly I realized that the alarm was still going off in my bedroom. I made my way back into the room, which didn’t take longer than a few seconds since my apartment is a whopping seven hundred square feet that consisted of a tiny kitchen, living room/dining room combo, a bathroom that I could barely turn around in and bedroom. After shutting it off I began to dress in jeans and a black t-shirt that had Party like a rock star written across the chest. Being a no-frills kind of chick, jeans always seemed like the obvious choice for any and every occasion. I pulled my dark brown hair back into a ponytail and bent down to slip on my chucks.
“You aren’t seriously going to wear your hair like that, are you?” a voice behind me asked. Shrieking, I nearly jumped out of my skin again.
Se vi ho incuriosito con la trama, la recensione e l’estratto dal 1° capitolo… partecipate a questo giveway dove in palio ci sono delle Amazon Gift Card per regalarvi quello che preferite ma anche 3 pacchetti regalo (contenenti una borsa, uno scaldavivande, un mousepad e una penna) e 5 copie – in ebook – di Crypt Keeper. Cliccate sul banner qui sotto e… buona fortuna!

Hi! I’m K.A. Young, an Indie paranormal romance and fantasy author. Thanks so much for allowing me this guest post on your amazing blog. I’m hosting a contest whereby the winner will be given a part in (The Molly Maddison Series).
Here’s a little background on the contest: enter to be written as a character in my Molly Maddison Series. I’ll create your character using your name, description and personality. I already know which character you’ll be and without giving away too much, this character is:
* integral to the storyline *
And will play a part in all future books in The Molly Maddison Series
The winner will get:
* A written part in the Molly Maddion Series
* The ability to read the book before it’s released to the public
* Added to the Acknowledgments page of the book
* A signed (with dedication) paperback copy of the book
* A signed paperback copy Crypt Keeper (Book #1)
Simply complete the questionnaire and GOOD LUCK!
QUESTIONNAIRE: click here!
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K.A. Young is a paranormal/fantasy romance author that lives with her family in the South. She began writing because her mind was swimming with incredible stories that were begging to be told. Her love for reading began as a small child when she realized that a good book was an instant escape to a mystical land that could be reached anytime and from anyplace.
Author Links:Site | Goodreads| Twitter | Facebook
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