Buon giorno followers, come vanno le vacanze?
Good morning followers, how’re your holidays?

Io sono al lago Maggione, in Piemonte. Ho una bellissima villetta vicino Stresa ed è un posto perfetto dove mi posso rilassare con la mia famiglia ed il mio fidanzato.
I’m at Maggiore’s lake, in Piemonte. I’ve a beautiful house near Stresa and it's a perfect place where I can relax with my family and my boyfriend.

Yesterday, thanks to a really sunny day, we went out for a walk and I decided to wear a navy outfit: a blue, white and red dress made by myself. I love this look ‘cause fits perfectly and it’s absolutely my style!

Cosa indosso/What I wear
- Vestito/Dress: Hand Made by Myself
- Scarpe/Shoes: no brand
- Orecchini/Earrings: SCACCO ALLE REGINE
- Bracciale/Bangle: MARIELLA BURANI
- Make-up and Nail polish: courtesy of REVLON
Buona giornata a tutti
Have a nice day
