The marriage between the young AC Milan champion Alexandre Pato and the young telenovelas starlet Sthefany Brito became in a few months from a dream wedding in a poisonus divorce, complete with accusations of aggression and betrayal. Pink Brazilian magazine 'Quem' writes today that the player would have attacked his wife on several occasions and accused of treason, while her part, the actress accused her husband of having completely abandoned after only four months of marriage, to spend more time on nights out with Ronaldinho than with her. Brito's lawyer, Ricardo Brajterman, reports on the site of the largest Brazilian newspaper, the Folha de S. Paulo, that AC Milan champions has not only left the family roof after four months of marriage, but most also stopped paying accounts of his wife, who abandoned a career in Rio de Janeiro to be with him in Milan, giving up its economic independence. According to Brajterman, although the marriage was celebrated with total separation of assets, separation is also at issue in the partition properties of the two. The mother-in-law of Pato, Sandra Brito, Sthefany now lives in the apartment with the couple to give support and organize the return to Brazil.
Magazine Calcio
Brasile, moglie pato: "abbandonata, piu' tempo con ronaldinho che con me" - brazil, pato's wife: "abandoned, more time with ronaldinho than with me"
Creato il 06 maggio 2010 da RollingballsThe marriage between the young AC Milan champion Alexandre Pato and the young telenovelas starlet Sthefany Brito became in a few months from a dream wedding in a poisonus divorce, complete with accusations of aggression and betrayal. Pink Brazilian magazine 'Quem' writes today that the player would have attacked his wife on several occasions and accused of treason, while her part, the actress accused her husband of having completely abandoned after only four months of marriage, to spend more time on nights out with Ronaldinho than with her. Brito's lawyer, Ricardo Brajterman, reports on the site of the largest Brazilian newspaper, the Folha de S. Paulo, that AC Milan champions has not only left the family roof after four months of marriage, but most also stopped paying accounts of his wife, who abandoned a career in Rio de Janeiro to be with him in Milan, giving up its economic independence. According to Brajterman, although the marriage was celebrated with total separation of assets, separation is also at issue in the partition properties of the two. The mother-in-law of Pato, Sandra Brito, Sthefany now lives in the apartment with the couple to give support and organize the return to Brazil.
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