Magazine Creazioni

Buona pasqua

Da Scripposcrappo
Ciao a tutti, non so come sia il tempo da voi oggi ma, qui nevica di nuovo. Fuori fa freddissimo e quindi dovendo restare chiusi in casa ne ho approfittato per fare una card Pasquale per una collega di mia mamma.
Hello everyone, I don't know how the weateher from you today,
but here it snows again. Outside it's cold and then having to be  in the house I took the opportunity to make an Easter card for a colleague of my mom.
Questa è la card:
This is the card:
Qui qualche dettaglio:Here some details of the card:BUONA PASQUA   Non avendo più rose in tinta con le carte ma solo rose bianche le ho colrate usando i Distress Reinker.
I finished the rosees in tone ofthe paper and so I coloured the white rosees with the Distress Ink. 
Sotto il nastro ho incollato delle uova per creare una cornice.
Under the ribbon I glue some eggs to create a frame.
 Materiali utilizzati:..................Material used:pink Bazzil cardstock; Bo Bunny paper; green paper; Magnolia stamp coloured with Faber Castell pencils; Spellbinders Nestabilities "Scalloped Ovals"; pink ribbon; white rosees coloured with Distress Reinker; eggs digital stamp coloured with Faber Castell pencil.
Con questa card partecipo a:With this card I partecipe to:-Totally Tilda challenge #67: Easter use at least one Egg and Tilda -Simply Magnolia challenge: Easter and Eggs challenge  -Stampavie &  More challenge #189: Easter -Creatalicious challenge #46: Lovely Easter A presto da.............................See you soon by

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