Magazine Lifestyle

Burberry Pre-fall 2012 Collection

Creato il 08 dicembre 2011 da Fashionestasi @FashionEstasi

Burberry Pre-fall 2012 Collection for Him and for Her
The pictures of Burberry’s pre-collection 2012 by Christopher Bailey were out today, and to be honest  with you I prefer it to the “real” collections that I saw on the catwalks in the past months.
To begin with, this collection presents basic items with nothing particularly researched, but it show the true identity of the British brand, by proposing overcoat and jackets for men and women absolutely wearable and elegant. I really appreciated the long gowns for her in various colors from pale pink, to mustard yellow and dark red all in the theme of autumn. For both men and women Burberry has chosen for the next season the big bags. A must-have of this collection is surely the belt with a bow to wear on coats, tranches or gowns. 
Burberry Pre-collezione 2012 per Lui e per Lei Sono uscite le immagini della pre-collezione 2012 di Burberry a cura del direttore creativo, Christopher Bailey, e per essere onesti con voi, l’ho preferita alle collezioni vere e proprie che ho visto in passerella nei mesi scorsi. Innanzitutto è una collezione con capi basici non ha nulla di ricercato e di troppo pensato. Però ha mostrato la vera anima del brand inglese, proponendo sia giacconi che giacche da uomo e da donna assolutamente vestibili ed eleganti. Ho apprezzato molto gli abiti lunghi femminili proposti in vari colori dal rosa pallido, al senape, al rosso scuro, in tema con l’autunno. Sia da uomo che da donna, Burberry predilige per la prossima stagione i borsoni grandi e capienti. Sicuramente è un must di questa collezione la cinta con il fiocco applicato da mettere sopra cappotti, trench o a abiti da sera.
Burberry Pre-fall 2012 Collection for Him and for Her
Burberry Pre-fall 2012 Collection for Him and for Her
Burberry Pre-fall 2012 Collection for Him and for Her
Burberry Pre-fall 2012 Collection for Him and for Her
Burberry Pre-fall 2012 Collection for Him and for Her
Burberry Pre-fall 2012 Collection for Him and for Her
Burberry Pre-fall 2012 Collection for Him and for Her
Burberry Pre-fall 2012 Collection for Him and for Her
Burberry Pre-fall 2012 Collection for Him and for Her
Burberry Pre-fall 2012 Collection for Him and for Her
Burberry Pre-fall 2012 Collection for Him and for Her
Burberry Pre-fall 2012 Collection for Him and for Her
Burberry Pre-fall 2012 Collection for Him and for Her
Burberry Pre-fall 2012 Collection for Him and for Her
Burberry Pre-fall 2012 Collection for Him and for Her
Burberry Pre-fall 2012 Collection for Him and for Her
Burberry Pre-fall 2012 Collection for Him and for Her
Burberry Pre-fall 2012 Collection for Him and for Her
Burberry Pre-fall 2012 Collection for Him and for Her
Burberry Pre-fall 2012 Collection for Him and for Her
Burberry Pre-fall 2012 Collection for Him and for Her
Burberry Pre-fall 2012 Collection for Him and for Her
Burberry Pre-fall 2012 Collection for Him and for Her
Burberry Pre-fall 2012 Collection for Him and for Her
Burberry Pre-fall 2012 Collection for Him and for Her
Burberry Pre-fall 2012 Collection for Him and for Her

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